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What is Growing Strong


Jesus commands all followers to "make disciples"  Matthew 28:19-20.  Growing Strong will first help you to grow strong as a disciple of Jesus and then help you grow strong in impacting others for Christ.

In Growing Strong 1, 2, 3 (Year 1 - each book is 11 weeks long and uses the 2:7 course)
  1. Click here to watch a 3 minute overview video on Growing Strong (using 2:7)
  2. You will become consistent in daily learning and obeying the Bible.
  3. Read through the whole NT, identifying the instructions and promises.
  4. Study key topics for growing strong.
  5. Memorize a few key verses that will transform your life and ability to help others.
  6. Learn to effectively communicate the gospel.


In Growing Strong 4 (Year 2)
  •  Develop the skills to help others grow strong.
In Growing Strong 5 (Year 3)
  • Develop the skills to help others to help others grow strong.

Creation date: Jan 13, 2015 4:08pm     Last modified date: Jan 13, 2015 4:28pm   Last visit date: Aug 29, 2024 3:04am
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