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Mike La Porte Testimony

First, it was a time in my life that I wanted something more, something that I could better define my relationship with Christ and how I could relate it to others. Well guess what, this course did that for me. I enjoyed the disciplines I learned, gained confidence in my ability to explain my spiritual foundation, I was encouraged by everyone in our group which helped me through the learning curve. I also memorized many verses of scripture and how to apply these scriptures to my daily walk

This is a course that requires time and dedication to study and learn. God loves us so much and wants to share with us so much, but we have to do our part. We have to make the effort to complete the study. We cannot allow life’s distractions to lead us away from God’s ability to use our passion for sharing all we can about his love to those that God’s Holy Spirit identifies as ripe to hear our story and God’s love for us all. So I encourage you if you feel led to do this, if the Holy Spirit is encouraging you, than please accept this invitation and join in a great learning and sharing experience



Ken Parkerson Testimony

This 2:7 Series discipleship course has been amazing way for me to grow deeper in my relationship with the Lord. It has challenged me in a lot of ways, from exposing sin my life, that I need to deal with, confess it, believe that is forgiven and move on, not holding on to it so it beats me up with guilt and shame. Freedom from this is like something has been lifted off my shoulders.


The way it teaches you memorize scripture is wonderful, from starting with the category it starts with the address then the verse. Time and time again, in different situations with different people what verse was needed would pop into my mind for each situation. I think of it like a filing cabinet in my mind that the Holy Spirit uses when needed, for witnessing or encouraging others. It has been used in helping me in my life from encouragement, pointing out problem areas in my life, to disciplining me.


This study cannot be taken lightly, it takes commitment, time to study and diligently do your homework. As Christians I believe we are not to stop at the cross with salvation but are called to be obedient followers, and that means growing deeper in our relationship with the Lord. If you are looking to deepen your walk with Christ and to know God in a more intimate way, this discipleship class is for you. Don’t get discouraged and don’t give up, stay the course and you will not regret it.



Velda McCurley Testimony

Taking this study “Growing Strong” has really taught me how to improve on my quiet time with God. It has taken those tools that I already use, my Bible, prayers and verses to a greater understanding. I look at the Bible in a whole new light “the book of Instructions” Joshua 1:8. I have verses that I carry around with me in my mind and heart and I find myself repeating them as I do small things, like getting ready in the morning or driving in my car.


I have learned how to make my prayers more effective and structured. The very last words Jesus gave his disciples before he ascended to heaven were to share the gospel (Matt 28) with others. This study shows us how to do that and backs it up with scriptures. It builds our confidence and hope in who we are in Christ and how to share him with that same confidence. I have loved this study and would recommend it to anyone serious about taking their relationship with Christ deeper.



Michael Johnston Testimony

When Tim announced, if there was anyone interested in strengthening their relationship with Jesus, check the 2:7 out. I thought to myself, "I got it going on" , I lead a Bible study, I do  little preaching at Golden Living, I help with the Horizons Men's ministry, why? I am OK!  But I gave it a shot. What I have learned is that 2:7 has totally changed  me and  how God can use me to share the Gospel. Before 2:7 I realized I was like Barney Fyfe in Mayberry, I only had one bullet in my Biblical gun. Now I am fully loaded.


2:7 has grown me, my daily Bible reading has become more consistent. By memorizing key scriptures I feel more equipped to share my testimony and share the Gospel. With only one bullet in Biblical gun, I really didn't know if I reached people. Fully loaded I am more confident talking about the Bible, sharing my faith and what Jesus has done for me. The JOY Jesus must feel when you help a lost soul, ( like I was ) come to Jesus Christ. If we Christians really read the Bible, it tells us in Matthew 28:16-20 " The Great Commission, to go make disciples, this is our duty as Christians. 2:7 has exposed some of my blind spots, in some cases I found that I was a FAN of Jesus, not a true FOLLOWER of Jesus. 2:7 has given me the confidence to accept God's challenges, #1 to grow and become a more mature Christian, and #2 to not keep the gospel a secret.


I urge you to sign - up for the 2:7 classes, maybe even join my group and we can learn together. Don't miss this opportunity, FEEL GOD'S tug, resist the enemy telling you that you are too busy, or you are not ready yet, PLEASE come join us in a wonderful experience.



Vicki La Porte Testimony

The Discipleship class impacted my life in several ways:

When Mike told me that we had been invited to try out this study, I was not sure about participating because it did require a very big commitment, but I did it for him. As time went on, I began to realize that it fulfilled something I had been longing for… something more than just reading verses. It was now something for me, as the workbooks lead you to dig into the verses and meditate on them and ask yourself “what is it saying to me”. Honestly, it was a lot of work but so well worth it when it draws you into God’s Word; and as you learn more of Him, He shows you more of who you are and who you are becoming in Him. These are the things that changed me and my thinking. 

  • The Mission – I am part of the mission, not a backseat driver
  • Commitment – I really can make a big commitment and make it through and receive the tools to make me a better witness
  • Love – How and why we should love… this made a big impact on me because I have always been reclusive and that is not the way I should be in order to touch other’s lives. I have a testimony and it doesn’t belong on a shelf
  • Helped me to reduce my tendency to be overly responsive to someone. It helped to take off some rough edges and smooth them out so my words are kinder, but firm, in my “debates” and discussions. Being a little bit of a rebel and somewhat warrior minded, it has shown me how to use these for the better and not to be so harsh and hard on others.


Donna Sagert Testimony

God used the 2:7 series to help me grow deeper in my spiritual walk, by being more consistent in my daily reading and obeying the word of God.  By memorizing scripture and seeing the importance of discipleship.  I highly recommend the 2:7 series if you want to grow deeper in your walk with Christ.


Creation date: Aug 9, 2015 10:05pm     Last modified date: Aug 10, 2015 9:26am   Last visit date: Oct 5, 2024 1:05am
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