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Texting each other your highlight from your daily Bible Reading



Can text anytime during the normal waking hours.  It's whenever you have your time with Jesus.


Can be from the daily reading or another passage

  Say, my highlight from Rev 10 was v 7 but my highlight is from 2 Peter 3.10-15, God, help me to be pure and blameless today


Maybe say it as a prayer.


Don't need to reply?  Or do?


Might be SPECK

A sin to avoid

A promise to claim

An example to follow or not follow

A command to obey

Knowledge (truth) to remember and share




From Carolyn to Sharon

Lol it's not a competition Sharon. 💗 I'm sure you talk to God throughout the day and he know your heart. 🙏 I probably wouldn't be in the daily reading if Kathy wasn't holding me accountable. 😳Hopefully the daily texts will help us all to grow. And at the very least at you'll have a few verses to read in our texts to help us all stay in the Word. 😉 Iron sharpens iron. I appreciate you ladies. Have a good night 😊




Creation date: Nov 19, 2015 8:51am     Last modified date: Nov 25, 2015 7:36am   Last visit date: Sep 21, 2024 6:24am
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