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Bible Text : Mattew 22 vs 11-14
Memory Verse : Psalm 45 vs 15



   Kingdom Garment is a wear we need to put to some special seat prepared by Christ for us.
Garment is a clothe we ought to have as a recognized child of God to give us license to His heavenly places.
Garment showcase the Identity of a person in a particular territory
The Bible Passage made us to understand that the Kingdom of God was likened to Marriage arranged by a Certain King
Mattew 11 vs 8 " The Wedding is ready but those who were invited were not worthy'
The Kingdom would only honor those with this garment . Mattew 22 vs 4-5 made us to understand that even though some
were called buy still failed to come as a result of one thing to the other and this made the king so furious to honor some
With this garment

Mattew 22 vs 11-12 ' But when the king came in to see the guests,he saw a man there who did not have on a wedding garment'
And he said to him Friend how did you cone in here without a wedding garment?.. That means some people would still struggle to
get in to realm but at some point there are going to be rejected
'13 ' And the King said the man should be bindes and cash into outer darkness'

  There are Seven (7) garment of Honor that qualifies a child for the Kingdom Honor: 


  1. Garment of Holiness
  2. Garment of Salvation
  3. Garment of Fire
  4. Garment of Brokenness
  5. Garment of Anointing
  6. Garment of Grace
  7. Garment of Glorious Constraint



: This is purest garment of all garments. God the father is the supervisor of this garment. Holiness is a life style we need to hope yo attain and always aspire to have
this garment. Job 29 vs 14 " I put on righteouness and it clothed me; ... This garment is the most expensive
garment and a path way to see God... With this garment you can see God. Be Ye Holy as your father in Heaven is holy. Garment of Holiness is a pure garment that can easily be altered.. It is the most feared garment in the Kingdom of darkness. God directly see the carrier of this garment. GOD the father is the Owner of this gatnent.. It can easily be altered



: Isaiah 61 vs 10a " I will greatly rejoice in the Lord,my soul shall be joyful in my God. For He has clothed me with garment of Salvation "
The Joy in the Lord would come after having this garment. Christ is the supervisor of this garment. It opens you up to the experience of Christ
It is the Most transparent garment and a garment every child of God must carry
And it's a perquisites to other garments. Nothing counts for you in the Kingdom of God if you don't have the garment of Salvation.
Salvation is a ladder to see Christ. We ought need to wear this garment to
Attain the point of seeking who Christ truly His



: Isaiah 9vs 5.. The Supervisor of this garment is Parakletos which is the Holy Spirit . Isaiah 9 vs 5 says For every Warrior Sandal from the noisy battle,garment rolled in blood , will be used for burnjnh and fuel of fire'
Is a garment of Blood and Fire... Its the heaviest garment, this was the garment Christ have his disciples after His death .
He said It's Expedient I go, so that you can have this garment of Fire. It's a Consuming garment and you must be fully ready to have this garment
Men seek it and it doesn't just come . Its the Only garment you wear from within and Fully manifest on you head.



This is one of the most Expensive garment in the Kingdom of God . Is the garment that subdue the power of the flesh for the actualization of Gods power.
Psam 34 vs 18 'The LORD is near to the brokenhearted And saves
those who are crushed in spirit.'... The carrier of this garment are nor too far from God. Their is a thirst for this garment, and one of the most rejected garment of kingdom honor.
Brokenness is the actualization of presence of God by taking away our self presence. Be broken, it create a portal of entrance for God Penetration
Psalm 51 vs 8.. A broken Spirit is so special to God..
Many don't want to have this garment because the price of this garnent is the whole of yourself.



Anointing in the kingdom of God is a garment, is a measure of how you have been examined and placed by His presence.. This garment is a mantle of works and God respect the carrier of this garment
1 John 2:27
"As for you, the anointing which you received from
Him abides in you, and you have no need for anyone
to teach you; but as His anointing teaches you about
all things, and is true and is not a lie, and just asholy.
has taught you, you abide in Him."
This garment Announces the Work of God concerning the carrier .Its not where you have stayed but where you're staying in Him. This garment lightens the path of a righteous, it open ways and reveal the true door to a particular territory



: A dynamic grace and God the father Himself giveth to whom he wish to give. You don't order for this garment, you settle down to have this garment. This garment is a free gift through our Lord Jesus Christ
This garmenr is key for the transformation of Man completely.
2 Timothy 1 vs 9 "He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not
because of anything we have done but because of
his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us
in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time." The garment of grace is in Christ even before the beginning of time.. This garment has great influence to pursue a Man... This garment should make you see God Manifestation
God walk uprightly in this garment, is a garment truly marked by God
Garment of Achievement is a garment of grace( graduation, promotion and calls).. You can be given the garment for a particular Manifestation of Gods Ability to do Things.



: This is a self building garment, and a garment to fight till the end of time. Christ was the first carrier of his garment. A glorious Constraint garment
Many hasn't attained the best version of themselves or hasn't attained the best result because of the lack of this garment
What are you constraint to?.. Show me your Constraint and I show you the glory
This is the same as garment of Glory
To die to ghe flesh for the crown is fightinh fighting to return
home to a long life with glory. ... Paul the Apostles was the Apostle that showcased the power of this Constraint.. Its a gament that command result. Paul Called it Constraint of Love in 2 Corinthians 5 vs 14-15
"The Constraint of Love
For the love of Christ constraineth us; because we
thus judge, that one died for all, therefore all died;
and he died for all, that they which live should no
longer live unto themselves, but unto him who for
their sakes died and rose again."
Constraint is a garment that bring glory to the head of the Carrier
Show me the Constraint and I show you the glory on your head



: For Kingdom Honor, you need to carry All these (7) garments and put it all on your self. The carrier are recognized and do easy access to the father. which of it do you carry today
How many garment have you carried. They are all Spiritual Garment
The carriers are spirit filled


Creation date: Mar 31, 2020 5:32am     Last modified date: Jun 7, 2020 6:10am   Last visit date: Oct 19, 2024 7:26am
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