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    Bible Text : Ezekiel 6 vs 1-13
    Memory Verse : I Samuel 15 vs 8

  • Introduction:
    God's System part one made us to understand three keys of Gods dimension( Stay, Move and Act). The unit of this God's System is the word of God. The System of God like we have learnt is far different from the one of Man. God Himself is a multi-system God , and He is dynamic in the way he carry them out.
    The launch of the System is the Living word. The book of Ezekiel 6 vs 7-8 " The slain shall fall in your midst and you shall know that I am the Lord ,yet I will leave a remnant so that you may have some who escape the sword among the Nations , when you are scattered through the countries
    God can truly be known and felt from his System; He passed a judgment on the idolatrous of Israel His people that the slain they even know would fall and by then they would understand His system. Even from the same God ; He can showcase a system that he would spare and leave a remnant that may escape the sword among nations to declare His system. The glory of God can be transfered from his System, He can even spare and give a remnant just for the World to see the full capacity of His system. He told the Israelites that then they shall know "I am the Lord". Many people don't really know who God is until he appears in His system
    The Appearance of God in His system comes with a Heaven policy, and only those that obey this policy would benefit from his System. God fully has expressed Himself to some , partially expressed God and to some he hasn't. God Himself has established His full power in His system. He doesn't have to go hither but His system obeys and tends to bless people.
    Plainly, the first system of God was his word from the beginning John 1 v 1" In yj beginning was the word and the word was with God and the was God. A system of God that has fully express God in the power of His word, that the word was God. Where the System of God his, there go Himself.
    There is a level of God System that is revealed to us, and there is a dimension that is only relased to those that thirst for it. Scripture says "Seek me and live"
    There are three Keys to Search God System


  1. Search with all your heart
  2. Search with all your time
  3. Search with the Understanding of the Word


In God System, one of the tool to see God is the heart. Mattew 5 vs 8 "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God". Let your heart be a search engine for God. The first search engine to find God's System is with the search from your heart. The heart is the greatest search engine to see God in the dimension of His system.
Let Jesus occupy your heart, Let the Holy spirit be the supervisor of your heart. The bible says " Guard your your heart from all flees of the devil". The blockage of the heart can block someone to see the System of God. You search God's system with the connection you have in your heart. This is a key secret to those that have fully seen God in His System and open heaven.
In God's System to see him; you must first conceive God presence through the Holy Spirit with the help of your heart. The bible regarded David as a Man after God heart . When you search for God with your heart,then you have genuinely asked him to be the Lord of your heart. When you search for God's system with your heart, you've directly substituted your own heart to God for God to give you his own.
Acts 13:22 King James Version (KJV)
"And when he had removed him, he raised up unto
them David to be their king; to whom also he gave
their testimony, and said, I have found David the son
of Jesse, a man after mine own heart, which shall fulfil
all my will."
God found David to be after God heart, a man after God's System. God is looking for someone who is after his own System and agenda. Let your mind be directed to the Word by the heart and not by the head. Some put the word of the Lord in the head and not in the heart. This is a system that God want us to know. The bible says "Thy word I kept in my heart that I may not sin against thee". The devil had the system but lost the understanding of the System of God. Jesus kept the Word in the heart first and then in the head, but the devil has kept the word in the head and lost the keeping place of the heart.
To whom God has shown this great mystery of His system is who that has the understanding of Keeping the word in the heart to search for him. You use the System of God to search for another system of God because he is a multi-system God. Jesus used a system of the word to win devil and obtain another system of God. The purification of the heart is the road to see the system and who God truly is. Unless a man understand this mystery, he can't see God in a system of Wonders. The storage of the word in your heart to search for God is one of the best means to understand God system of Acting.
King David said " Search my heart O God ". David had an understanding of his System to seek him which made him to write many psalms. How many of you can say Search my heart O God, Let me see your full manifestation in the boundary of your System. The heart is the boundary and the vineyard to conceive His System.



One the way to wallows in God's System is to search Him with your time. Time is a currency in the Kingdom of God. The full express or God's system can be seen from those that fully seek him with their time. Time as currency in God's System; the more you spend your time for Him,the more you see in His full power of His System.
Hannah searched God in the jurisdiction of God's System and she saw God in His full power. The System of God Acting for her situation came to pass when she understood Gods System of Time. She consumed her time going to Shillow to seek Him personally. You must be ready to consume your time to seek Him. Jesus Christ walked with this System of time and he understood it.
John 4 vs 21-22"Jesus saith unto her, Woman believe me, the hour cometh when Ye shall neither in this Mountain nor yet at Jerusalem worship the Father ". Vs 22" Ye worship Ye know not what we know what we worship for ,salvation is of the Jews."
Jesus the Compendium of God was telling them that the Hour cometh when the Currency of Time they have been spending on mountain and Jerusalem won't work, that it would only work for those that know where to spend this currency of Time. Use your time Jurdisiously to search God's System in Spirit and Truth. The System of God that reside in the Time you consume to seek him is seeing in Spirit and Truth.
Daniel searched for God with all His time praying the domain of God. He saw the power of His spirit and the truth Manifested. He searched God'S System of Acting to bless Him and this came with the ratio of time.
Dainel 10 vs 12 "Then he said unto me , Fear not, Daniel : for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understanding, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard , and I am come for my words'.
This word came expressly in a Vision God shown Daniel because Daniel was still searching the System of God on the course of Prayer.
I Chronicles 12 vs 32
" And of the children of Issachar, which were men
that had understanding of the times, to know what
Israel ought to do; the heads of them were two
hundred; and all their brethren were at their
commandment" .
The Children of Issachar Understood the system of God by Searching with all time. They also know what they ought to do to get the full revelation of the System. We need understanding on how to seek God by searching him with all our time. The currency the World don't wish to give, but rather would like to spend in the World.

The paramount place to search God, is through his word. But only those that seek by the Spirit to see the Understanding of the word he showeth himself. God's System of searching requires thorugh understanding of the Word. The Spirit of truth reveals this to us. This is one the most important search Engine in God's System.
The devil is after our Understanding of the Word of God. He fully knows If we get full understanding of this Word, we would surely see God in the dimension of System. Don't just search the word, Search with the understanding of the Word. Devil is aware of the word he lacks the understanding of the Word because the Spirit only has this Understanding. This is symbolized by the baptism of the Holy Spirit
Luke 24:45
"Then He opened their minds to understand the
Our Lord Jesus Christ found out that his disciples has not trully tapped to the God'S System. The twelve still find it difficult to understand the word. The first thing He had to do was to open their understanding to the Scriptures. Expect a Man has this understanding of the Word, a man can't search God in His System. God's System requires thorough search for him by the Understanding of the word. The Word is the unit of God's System, Understanding of the Word is the Key to see the System of God and without this Man may not fully dwell in God's System
Daniel 10:12. "Then he said to me, "Do not be afraid, Daniel, for
from the first day that you set your heart on
understanding this and on humbling yourself before
your God, your words were heard, and I have come in
response to your words".
The System of God came fully in the life of Daniel not until he has fully search God with the understanding of the Wors. Then the Danielic Spirit activated the more and his own too was heard and then came a response . One of the best way to understanding the dimension of His word and this is System of God. Understand his word ,then you're closer to see full Him by your continuous flow in understanding. What are you using a search engine to search God's System?.... Is it Man , principles of the word or traditions?.... All these won't work, in God's System the only Tradition of God can be found in the Manifestation of His word.
God's System is a Mystery to those that doesn't know this word. He has specifications and how he deal with everybody situation in life. The word of God is the Complete system of God and without this Man cannot perceive directly from the Father.
Psalm 119 vs 73 "Your hands made me and fashioned me .Give me Understanding that I may learn Your commandments" . Without the Understanding of of the Word of God, it is impossible to know him more. His people know him the more. The Ways of God are those that understand the word itself.

The Summary of God System is fully Manifested in Our Lord Jesus Christ. He came full to the World to express the practical System of God. Jesus is the summary of to what extent and the dimensions that God can move. Jesus Christ is only one that can display the System of God, he came and gave us this great Mystery to really know who God is.
1 John 3 vs 8
" He that committeth sin is of the devil; for
the devil sinneth from the beginning. For
this purpose the Son of God was
manifested, that he might destroy the
works of the devil" .

The Main reason why Christ came to show us God's System is to destroy the works and Agenda of the devil. The System of Devil is not in real Manifestation because Christ the System of God is at hand and the System is above all System of Life. The system of God is the only System that can give and breather life because this System carries embodiment of God himself. The System of God is capable of revealing God.
The System and Traditions of this world still head towards death and without human beings actualize the real life in God's System, they can fully dwell in the system.
Brethen and Reader of this don't just know the System of God, dwell in the System and live by it, for by it Man can get recognition from the Most High. God'S System is actualizing in the life of someone very soon by His grace IJN.


Creation date: Mar 30, 2020 6:26am     Last modified date: Apr 9, 2020 1:09am   Last visit date: Jan 2, 2025 3:23am
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