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THEME : The Continuous Spiritual Hunger

Bible Text : Nehemiah 9 vs 11-15
Memory verse : Mattew 5 vs 6



   This outline Continuous spiritual hunger is an ever needed satisfaction that open us to this reality of heavens . An hunger in this realm is a desire or crave for a food and specific nutrients . To be continuous about the hunger for something is a desperate yearn so as to be filled in this Kingdom. It is passion for the things of the spirit and only men that show urgent need for this are shown things. Spiritual hunger attract spiritual possibilities and only that make this a continuous act obtain this. It is a state to tarry for the things of this Kingdom.

     Nehemiah 9 vs 14-15 " You have made known to them Your holy Sabath and commanded them precepts , status and laws by the hand of Moses Your servant . You gave them bread from heaven for their hunger an brought them to go in to posses the lane which You had sworn to give them. There is an hunger that is so continuous that except the bread from come down like manna they can't be filled. The hunger of men should be continuous and ever renewing . The bible text opened us to the stage where the Israelites had to voice out to confess their sin and their ever looming state to be filled . In this Kingdom not until a bread of heaven fill men the continuous and desperate need to be filled should be maintained.

     Morever, hunger for the things of the things of God are not things you do with your physical abilities not even when your stomach is empty. The dept of a man continuous hunger is seen in the spirit ream; how well he submitted as a result of hunger to be shaped in his kingdom. A kingdom value follows those that desperately seek it realities. We are all seekers in this kingdom, we even have Christians and believers in his Kingdom but hungry men are distinguished in this Kingdom. They carry a value system and they know until they're filled they can move in this Kingdom. The rate at which men are desperate for spiritual things can be measured with the context of their hunger.

     Morever Continuous Spiritual hunger is a spiritual stabilizer that connect men to their source . Linkers to the things of the Kingdom are those that are hungry for the things of the Kingdom. Hunger for God are ever longing and ever thirsting for. The indept of how men can travel in the spiritual realm need a ladder of hunger because it takes men to a level beyond the natural. It is a spiritual mirror to look into the secret things of God. Show me a man that is hungry in this Kingdom and I show you man that can see mysteries in this Kingdom.
Mattew 5 vs 6 "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness , for thy shall be filled. A man that is hungry for the things of this Kingdom are called blessed because their is always something that await them . The Continuous hunger of men should always pass a channel called righteousness.


    The pressing force for this hunger push men to the track of righteousness. Where are men that hunger for the realities of this Kingdom. It is a searching force that opens the eyes of men to many possibilities. What a man didn't hunger for may not be filled in this Kingdom. It is a spiritual bow that men place down awaiting the bread of Heaven to come into it. We have not come to tarry for a bread that last a night by we have come to tarry for bread that last a Night time. The spiritual hunger of a man is a driven force that hold a man up to the point where he is completely to the brim. The hunger of men should be continuous an not ever stopping at any point in time. It is a measure of spiritual growth for men in this Kingdom. The bible has already told us that there is a level system of blessing available to men that hunger and thirst for it.
Psalm 63 vs 1 " O God, You are my God. Early will I seek You ; My soul thirst for You. My flesh longs for You In a dry and thirsty land Where there is no water ". The continuous spiritual hunger of Men is a need that put men on a journey to seek God. The Psamist says early will I seek you for my soul thirst for you. We are on wrong motives is our in tensions for spiritual hunger is not for us to see him in glory and power.


     The moves of men in this kingdom are notable and accountable on the juridistion on how well they have tried to search for God in Majesty . Pick yourself up from where you are to search for God with your hunger because many have met him in this Kingdom as a result of this ability.
The continuous Spiritual hunger of a man is means to see God in his full optimum and power. We don't have spiritual hunger collectively, is an individual appetite that we show towards the things of God and there are in level systems. This desperate need should be infinite there is more in this Kingdom . Notably there ate virgin paths in this Kingdom that has not been shown even to mean men, there are certain dimensions of God we haven't seen yet but men that tarry through their spiritual hunger meet themselves in this atmosphere. Show me a man that operate in new dimensions of the spirit and I show you a man that has done deeper in His search for God.

       Revelation 7:16-17 " They shall hunger no more, neither thirst anymore; the sun shall not strike them, nor any scorching heat. For the Lamb in the midst of the throne will be their shepherd, and he will guide them to springs of living water, and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.” . The destination of every hunger a man have is to be driven to that pin point of living waters that draws through Christ. A point in the life men where all forms of tears are wiped upon. If the bible says they shall hunger no more then it hunger must have once taken place in their life . We are only filled when we are hungry for intake in this kingdom. A man continue to carry empty deposit until he crossed path with the spring of living waters that wipe away every tears. The continuous Spiritual hunger is a spiritual ruler to every kingdom deposits that is given.


    Contionus Spiritual Hunger gives an account  connection


1. Measure of Growth

2. Measure of Spiritual Sensitivity

3. Measure of Kingdom Trading

4. Measure of Eternity Connection

     1. Measure of Growth :



    The continuous spiritual hunger is like a candle of our Salvation. We are saved by His grace through Christ Jesus. Spiritual Growth of men are in levels though salvation phase is the same but our spiritual hunger for the things of God is not the same. We must not put off the candle of this our salvation. Once a man is saved he shouldn't should stop there , there is a push that makes a man keep wallowing for His presence, its called a dept of hunger for God. Its not an hunger for the supply of things you need in your life, its not a hunger to get into certain dimensions, its not an hunger to be a recognized man of God. It is a desperate need to just see God in His full dimension and power.

     Colossians 2 vs 7 " Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness." The root of a tree go deeper into the growth when there is a desperate need for water. It is on the account of that growth system is measured. A life that hunger for Christ will His Life be built on him and from there growth is generated. The spiritual growth that generate from continuous hunger is not on the pedestal of age but the time spent to hunger for His presence. I can spend Thirty years (30 ) chasing Academic alone and just use a month to hunger for His presence; then the growth would be measured based on the time you have spent searching for God alone. We can see the growth system an even its from within but many have neglected their hunger for God. Show me a man that understand growth system in this Kingdom and I show you a man understand the lyrics of spiritual hunger.

     The compendium to which hunger rest in this Kingdom is not on the agenda of what you want. You must crave a passion for the things of God and it is on that agenda that your spiritual growth can be measured. The extreme intense of your hunger light up the spiritual growth of men in this Kingdom. There are ladders that update the growth in this Kingdom and the lifting power of this growth is the continuous hunger men has. There are vigrin path was not shown to men in this kingdom, there are ways that men have not passed through but the intense hunger can move God to show men this mysteries and virgin pathways. We know there is more to your current spiritual growth, that can't be all for the growth of a man.


     1 Corinthians 3:1-2 " And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual men, but as to men of flesh, as to infants in Christ. I gave you milk to drink, not solid food; for you were not yet able to receive it. Indeed, even now you are not yet able, ". The bible verse gave an account of what Paul was trying to tell the Corinthians about need for growth. The hunger of a man qualify a man for another dimension of growth in this Kingdom, it makes men uncomfortable with their current level of growth. The first attribute you see in a man that is qualified for a new level of spiritual growth is his urge and hunger for the things of the Kingdom.



    The quest for new wine of the Kingdom would surely be his optimum goal . You don't force men into a new dimension of spiritual growth, its not class systems that graduate men but the hunger seen in Him qualify for next level of growth. The effervescence of this Spiritual growth do show the level of hunger a man carry. You don't measure your growth with how much time you have used in the household of God, No sir No Ma. Longetivity is not a measure of spiritual growth. The complacency of your growth rest on the shoulder of continuous hunger you have shown towards the things of God.

2. The measure of Spiritual Sensitivity :



   I submit to many protocols in this Kingdom but when a man cannot sensitize anything in the spirit realm something must have attached His spiritual hunger. The continuous spiritual hunger measure to large length the spiritual sense of the man. We need to be at alert for what the Father is pouring to men in Seasons like this. The divine connection you have merged with the Father with hunger charge your spiritual sensitivity.
2 John 1:8 "Watch yourselves, so that you may not lose what we have worked for, but may win a full reward. " . There is a need to earnestly await what is coming, your hunger will drive you to where you need to sit and wait , this your hunger will not leave you there but pick you up from there to to see what is coming.


     The continous spiritual hunger charge you to see what the future holds and keep you at watch for what you need to know. You hunger measure your spiritual senses in this Kingdom. How do you claim to see what you're looking what when you hunger for it, Should I say you know what you seek to get. To watch means to be sensitive , to be alert. A man that is hungry for food would passionately wait for when the food will be ready for consumption. Seekers in this kingdom knows there is more and a man can emerge at the point of sesnsitiviy.


     Alas, hunger is a driver of men for things to come, your hunger for things shows your direction and what you crave for. I can't hunger for option A and see me in Option B.Hunger is like a spiritual radar that follow men to the point of influence and make them sensitive to what they actually need.
Acts 20:28-31 "Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood. I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock; and from among your own selves will arise men speaking twisted things, to draw away the disciples after them. Therefore be alert, remembering that for three years I did not cease night or day to admonish everyone with tears.". Hunger place you on the corridor of sensitivity and from there it makes you to be careful. The regulator of the Spiritual sensitivity of a man rest upon the hunger he has for the things of God. The captal aim of your continuous hunger is to be able to discern the sensitivity when the realities are already available.

    Moreover, sensitivity is what give you the persistent cry of hunger. The continuous hunger just charge your way to what you need to get, sensitivity is like a checkpoint where something need to be picked or dropped . An hungry man is a wanting man, he desire a reality he hasn't seen yet and many still crave for it. Many have been waiting and have not seen what they are looking for. They have tarried this long waiting for reality that doesn't seem coming sooner. The sensitivity you derive from your hunger tell you when the time is due.

    Ephesians 4 vs 18-19 " Having their understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God ,because of the ignorance that is in them, because of the hardening o their heart . Who being past feeling have given themselves over to licentiousness to work all uncleanness with greediness ". The continuous hunger of a man give a man some certain understanding and this rest on the sensitivity a man carries. It is an accurate measure that place men on the ruler of what they know. The sensitivity in certain men has died down just as a result of not thirsting for more. A great man of God Papa EA Adeboye said that Good enough is the greatest enemy of greatness.


    The Mighty men in this Kingdom are those that press more through their hunger, they can see through their spiritual senses that there is more to obtain and dominate. Hear this Reader, a man that can be sensitive to any signal of the Spirit and the Kingdom are those that their hunger for things of God can't easily die down. I know there is more to fight for. Who told you?. Something sensitize your spirit and tell you look that's what you need to fight for . Show me a man that has a desperate Hunger for things of God and I show you a Man that can be Sensitive to all happenings, the more you hunger for God the more you're sensitive to His Talkings.


3. A measure of Kingdom Trading :



    Men of Hunger trade their passion for what God want to show them. They trade possibilities and get kingdom keys that opens up long awaiting doors. The continuous hunger of a man give such men access to birth possibiles and give out what it takes to have it. The question is not the possibilities, the issue what hunger drive you for the next thing you desire. The continuous hunger of men draw him passionately to a point in the Spirit where all He see is Kingdom values.

      Luke 8:43-48 " And a woman having an issue of blood twelve years, which has spent all her living upon physicians, neither could be healed of any, Came behind him, and touched the border of his garment: and immediately her issue of blood stanched. And Jesus said, Who touched me? When all denied, Peter and they that were with him said, Master, the multitude throng thee and press thee, and sayest thou, Who touched me? And Jesus said, Somebody hath touched me: for I perceive that virtue is gone out of me. And when the woman saw that she was not hid, she came trembling, and falling down before him, she declared unto him before all the people for what cause she had touched him, and how she was healed immediately. And he said unto her, Daughter, be of good comfort: thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace. ". The woman with the issue of blood was in desperate need for a kingdom virtue an she went for it. The hunger of this woman drove her to the point that if she can only touch the tip of Our Lord Jesus Christ clothe.



     The hunger didnt just drive her to decide that but also drove her to go for what she has decided. Thereafter just have the decision , a kingdom virtue was traded. It moved our Lord Jesus to say Who touched me?. The continuous Hunger of a man is much like a spiritual driver, it moves men to think of what they and move them to where they can get it in thisKingdom.

     Reader, hear this; there are certain you're looking for to get , a lot you wish you to wish to have that even prayer maynot even give you. There are certain possibilities that your continuous fasting may not give you but your decision and your hunger to have it will drive you to where you can get it. The validation of some spiritual possibilities veto more on the spiritual hunger of a man. We don't own anything in this kingdom but we can trade our hunger to invade possibilites and kingdom value into our lifes. Vast number of men His presence have paid a price of hunger to obtain certain anointing in this Kingdom, thy traded for it. Those that desire more in this Kingdom work for more, show me a man that is Already Complete and I show a man that is not yet due for Spiritual hunger. Complete men don't trade for Kingdom values; they're already thinking they are okay with the level of hunger they have . We show our incompetency and incompleteness when we tender our hunger before God. A limitless man is a man that keep pushing for hunger and desire more Kingdom transaction; they know there is more for those that tarry for it.


      The continuous hunger of a man will make a man take off the roof, then set the atmosphere ablaze with the grace beswtoed upon Him and search for more. What do I have that has satisfied me?. What part of God have I seen that make me believe that's all I can get from him?. The continuous hunger of a man would make a man realize he can't exhaust the dimension of God.
Matthew 19:16-21 " And, behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life? And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments. He saith unto him, Which? Jesus said, Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness,Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. The young man saith unto him, All these things have I kept from my youth up: what lack I yet?. Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me."

      The continuous hunger of the Man for eternal life drove the man to Jesus to ask Him that what shall I do to have eternal life. Our Lord Jesus Christ gave him an answer but yet not satisfied because he knows he has done all these things and there is more to for him to inherit the eternal life . There is an hunger in a man that will make a man to sell all what he has just to search for God. Jesus said, if thou will be perfect , complete without quest for anything again; take the mandate to sell all you have . Hunger will ask you a question of Can you trade all you have just to search an seek God . Your Continuous Hunger is a Kingdom currency, it give you license to trade for Kingdom possibilities.

4. A measure of Eternity Connection:


    The race of Eternity has been one the race that is continuous in this Kingdom. The daily push of a man ensure he moves in this Kingdom. The hunger of a men drive men to that point they really want to give it all for the sake of Eternity. The hunger for God in this Kingdom is not just to see Him but to also to reign with him for Eternity. He was the God that arose from Eternity and forever would be in Eternity because He is already in Eternal Life. The hunger of a man drive a man up to that point where all he desire is to seek Him all alone and for the things he does.

    2 Corinthians 4:18 " while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal. " . The Continuous hunger of a man is what strengthen the belt of Eternity. It gears up men for the connection of the endless time that we all hope to see. It make men stand firm and at alert awaiting that glorious call of Christ which he has promised us to come into manifestation. Men in this Kingdom don't just hunger for the assets of this world but the asset or things not seen in the endless time that we all clamor to see.


    The real hunger of men are not for things seen but things that are unseen to mankind. The hunger push men to Christ and through Him we see the reflection of what Eternity looks like. A divine connection that seems strong generate when a man has established himself on a continuous hunger. It is a daily routine of men that want to pass through the life line of Eternity. Show me a man that has hunger for the things of the Kingdom and I show you a man that see Eternity in view. All men will spend eternity with a level of hunger they carry, but can your hunger drive you to Heaven?. Have you loved Christ to a point that you can seel all just for the sake of eternal life that come .

     Mattew 19 vs 23-24 " Then Jesus said to His disciples " Assuredly I say to you that it is hard for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of heaven. And again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God ". Our Lord Jesus Christ was making an analogy on the Kingdom of God ando exactly who scape through. An hungry man is an incomplete man, they are not the rich in values because they know there is more in this Kingdom. A rich man is a man that has no hunger for the things of this Kingdom and very much hard for such men to enter the Kingdom of God. A divine connection for eternity set in when an urge for hunger set in . Literally, hungry men are not sellers of assets in this kingdom because thy believe they are not satisfied enough but a time would come when men has to transaction all they have to crave for the divine connection for Eternity and store assets in Heaven. Your hunger would not just drive you anywhere but to a point where you begin to see divine connection with things of Eternity .

     The superlative of this is that what should men hunger for in this Kingdom. It can be summarized into four

1. Righteousness
2. Kingdom Secrets
3. All Round Succes.
4. Lordship of Christ

       1. Righteousness :


     Righteousness in this what the continuous hunger of a man can give him in this Kingdom. The more you press to see Christ, the more he show you His dimension of righteousness. Righteousness is a Kingdom value that is only given to men from God. the quality of being morally right or justifiable. The hunger of a man set Him in a pace to see God and just Him alone but with His righteousness .
Proverb 21 vs 21 " He who follow righteousness and mercy Find life , righteousness and honor ". There is a pushing system that hunger brings to let Men follow after Righteousness. The Spiritual ruler measures to the lenght on what you truly desire in this Kingdom. What do you hunger for measure what your true level of righteousness. Show me that truly seek Christ and I show you a man that test after righteousness. The bible says he who follows righteousness, that is he who go for findeth life, righteousness itself and honor. The hunger of a man for righteousness give men such honor. It is not the honor the world can give ordinary men. There in hunger lies a key to open honor for men. Men in this Kingdom should hunger for righteousness and not majorly for selfish achievement; For a man that hunger for righteousness seek after Kingdom achievement.

     Mattew 5 vs 6 " Blessed are those that hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be filled ". Righteousness of a man is not an Anointing that can come upon men but men thirst for it and through Christ, all men shall obtain this. He daily push and the continuous hunger of man drive Him to a point that all He see is the Righteousness of God which is Christ Jesus. The persistent seek for Righteousness justify your Hunger because many hunger in this Kingdom but for different ambitions. Over Zealous is nor hunger in the Kingdom; a state of hunger will take you to a realm where you will be silence and have no word to qualify what you saw but you stay humble to glorify God. We have men in this Kingdom the so much boast of their Righteousness because who took them to that reality was wrong . Search the heart of a man that has continuous hunger for the things of God, if yet the hunger is not righteousness driven then he doesn't know where he is going .

       Isaiah 64 vs 6 "For all of us have become like one who is unclean, And all our righteous deeds are like a filthy garment; And all of us wither like a leaf, And our iniquities, like the wind, take us away. " Men should not be satisfied with their present state of righteousness because the bible compare it to a filthy garment. Men should hunger for more filling of righteousness because by that we are available on the track to see God. The works of men don't justify their righteousness, infact we don't qualify for the righteousness but with continuous press hunger can give us . Men should live for Righteousness through their hunger for it and not by it because its an entity that come from God to meet Men.

       1 Thimothy 6 vs 11 " But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness. " . A Paul confession to Thimoty as for them to pursue Righteousness. The hunger in you set you in order to pursue not just only righteousness but coupled with godliness, faith, love , endurance and gentleness. Let your hunger drive you to that point where you truly see the Righteousness of God.
2. Kingdom Secrets : An hungry Man should subscribe for Kingdom secrets during the stay of hunger. It is a channel where many hidden treasures of His word come to the full knowledge of Man. There are certain realities we may not know until we learn with our hunger . A great Apostle of God Apostle Joshua Selman said God is everywhere but don't meet with people everywhere. Reader, let me tell you that your hunger will urge and drive you to the secret place and it is there secret things are revealed to you. 

      Psalm 91 vs 2 " He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the Shadow of the Almighty ". There is always shadow that come on Men that has used hunger to drive themselves to the secret place. The secrets are kingdom keys that set men on fire for God and it is only those that hunger for it are shown. Show me a man that a continuous hunger for the things of the Kingdom and I show you a man that is ready to receive Kingdom secrets. The fervent quest for this hunger prompt the kingdom realities to be disclosed to men. Secrets are still secretive when men still understand them. There is a key that your continuous hunger give you to unlock every codes of secrets. The continous search though hunger make men encounter secrets that change their lives forever and for better in this Kingdom.

      The physical prove that a man has been hungry before is the dexterity of secrets he has seen and mastered in this Kingdom. Your continuous hunger is a like a driver that move you up to the point where all you see is Kingdom secrets. Men that are not read for Kingdom secrets don't go hunger in this Kingdom. The spiritual hunger of a man is not the number of times you fast but how well fasting has taken you to the level to see God in systems.
Daniel 2 vs 16-19 " So Daniel went to his house an made the decision known to Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah his companions; that they might seek mercies from the God of heaven concerning this secret so that Daniel and his companion might not perish with the rest of the wise men of Babylon. Then the secret was revealed to Daniel in a night vision. So Daniel blessed the God of Heaven ". There is a level you must have stepped to during your work with Him that all you see is Secret of yourself, Secret of your family, Secret of Nation and even Secret of a generation. It is charge that your hunger carries give birth to this realities. Daniel didn't just go to sleep and the deep secret was revealed to him but he has gone to a level with God that all he see there is Kingdom secret.

         Deuteronomy 29:29 “The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our sons forever, that we may observe all the words of this law." . The bible made a solid fact that the secret things belong to the Lord, that means the Kingdom secret are with the Father. The continuous hunger of a man can drive that man to a point where the secret that are with the Father can be shared to him. A man can win the devil in all context is a man that has phatomed a way to the Father to obtain secrets. A hungry is an unsatisfied man with the things revealed to him, he press for more in this Kingdom to obtain keys and secrets that open up channels for him.

     3. All Round Success:


     An hungry man in this Kingdom should always test for all round success to be able to stable in all domains. The hunger in a man make him unstable , because certain aspect of his life that need result. There is hunger that a man can carry that give him all round success , an undeniable one that when Men see it they find it difficult to deny. Show me a man that is so consistent with his hunger for the things of this Kingdom and I show you a man that is very close to All round success.
Nehemiah 1:11 O " Lord, let your ear be attentive to the prayer of your servant, and to the prayer of your servants who delight to fear your name, and give success to your servant today, and grant him mercy in the sight of this man.” Now I was cupbearer to the king. " . Our God give out success to men but there is a level of success that balance a man in all cateria of life called all round success.


      The hunger of a Man can push men to God and may as a result qualify men for the All round success even when they don't deserve. The journey of a Honor open ways for him to wallow also in all round success . An hungry man has carry an appearance that is of the Spirit. The appearance of Men in the Spiritual is what matters because thats an Identity that last till Eternity . The Appearance this World give you is Perishable and fake at the latter end ; because the hunger for the things of the world is not continuous. Ask the Rich Man that died and His appearance After Death seem far Below Lazarus .Upgrade your appearance not with the things of the World, Make up with Kingdom values.

      Reader note this, the All round success you seek for us already available with God through Christ . Your persistent hunger with take you into a verge of realm where your response is to keep silent; you don't talk , you don't move, you don't shake you just see. It is required of you to just wait and seek. Yes sir, Yes ma; the realm amazes you because your continuous hunger has driven you there what for you to see what you havnt seen before. There is reflection of All round success they see in you through your hunger and all they could do is to be silent and see. Can you come to a point where nothing limit you, you don't see anything that limit you but all you see is more, more and more . Then thats the level that hunger take you too to acquire the all round success.

      Romans 8 vs 27-28 " Now He who searches the heart knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He make intersection for the saints according to the will of God. And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose ". In all dispensation, the hunger of a man drive him to wher he can see God and the all round result he obtain tell him how to stay there. It takes grace and the all round success you have to stay at the peak of the place that continuous hunger takes you to. An hungry man in this Kingdom is a man that searches the heart and through that knows what the Spirit of the Lord saith. Many of today's Christain do think that following God doesn't produce an around result, that is just a way to loyal because of the things of God. Brethen, its an error not to be believe the continuous search of God through hunger doesn't produce All round success.


       Our Lord Jesus Christ was a perfect example of someone that exhibited all round success; the hunger that Joseph have for God lead him deny a pleasure with King Wife. He altered a statement by saying why should I do this and sin against the Lord I love and have hunger for. The demand was truly a shortcut to success for him but he chose to align himself with God's plan because there is a dimension of all round success for those that keep pressing for God. Your demand is to seek Him and the Kingdom with all passion and hunger, through that All other things shall be added unto you.

4. Lordship of Christ :



     Hungry Men for the this of the Kingdom should press more to be partaker of the Lordship of Christ . To me the most important truth in the Christian life is the truth ofthe lordship of Jesus Christ . Lordship was at the very heart of Jesus ' redemptive work on the cross. Paul makes this clear in Epistle he forwarded to the Romans on how they should collectively embrace the lordship of Christ.
Romans 14:8-9 : “For if we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. Therefore whether we live or die, we are the Lord's. For to this end Christ died and rose and lived again, that He might be Lord of both the dead and he living " . The continuous hunger of a man is not just for him to witness the the Kingdom values that brings but to strongly await the lordship of Christ through Hus hunger. This is a medium to get set for Eternity with Jesus, for He said be vigilant for no one Know when the Son of Man would appear on the Sky. The continuous hunger that a man have will always prepare for the latter glory that await him . The bible confirmed it that Christ Himself shall be Lord over the dead an living; a part of the journey that no one will like to miss. The hunger that a man carry charge him up for endless time we await.

      Romans 5:1-5 " Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Through him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God. More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us. ". There is always a Lordship presence that pressing for Christ give us. We qualify for this once we have allowed to come to the epic center of our lifes.


     Listen Reader, the continuous hunger of a man make me centralize Christ in His mind and its only through that Christ can come as Lord over your Life. We should always thirst for His ruling power over our lives through the Holy Spirit he has given to replace Some of the works Christ himself can do with us. The is currently the Lord of Many lifes and till eternity He continue his Lordship because through him the Father we Judge all. The hunger you have for His Lordship over you shouldn't just stop at the level what you need but all that concerns you; a point in time where he take over all that concerns you .

     Matthew 7:21-23 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness." . The continuous hunger of a man create a pathway for a man to always do the will of the Father , and with this man has access to claim the Lordship of Christ.


    A man that is consistent with hunger is despirate to do anything for God just in order to attain and witness the Lordship of Christ. Show me a man that obey the will of the Father through His Hunger and I show a man that deserve to him Lord. It is a requisite for those that are ready to call him this name on the last Day. A device must urge from you that prompt your desire for the Lordship of Christ. A hungry man is a make that extensively desire the Lordship of Christ at any cost.



    The hunger of a man should always be Kingdom sensitive with the whole aim of seeking the Righteousness of God. Are you hungry just for you to arrive ?. Your hunger should always charge you and keep you going on the journey of Christianity. It is a compelling force that must keep driving us to see new dimension of God through Christ we choose to accept. Seekers of God are not just those who come to ask him for daily bread but come to see Him as He is. The continuous hunger of men pay in this Kingdom, it takes men from one Level to another new level in the Spirit. Those that desire this journey make self determination to risk all they have to see the Father in Majesty.

     Luke 1:52-53 " He hath put down the mighty from their seats, and exalted them of low degree. He hath filled the hungry with good things; and the rich he hath sent empty away.". The hungry men always go away with good and tangible during their stay to see Him in Majesty. God Almighty raise His touching power on the incomplete me, you tender your weakness and desire during your search for Him so as to be able to see you completely. The Hidden part of you that you don't see is revealed to the Mighty one during you quest for hunger at His presence. Your continous open up the closed part of you that even you didn't see all this while. It takes man to the Presence of God in a request to see move in Mighty ways.

     The devil knows if he can do something to your hunger, then he can abort the plans that God has for you. He know he quickly need to affect that part of you that is hungry so as to distract many in this Kingdom. The devil negotiate a bread of the World to take the bread of the Presence that await you; Its High time we woke up from this slumber and press more for the hunger that dress us up with glory.

      Mattew 4 vs 3-4 " Now when the tempted came to him, he said ; If You're the son of God, command that these stones become bread. But He answered and said , ' It is written Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceed from the mouth of God " . It was true Our Lord Jesus was Christ but the devil didn't understand the type of hunger he had at that level. He came for a negotiation with the bread of the World to lure Christ into a way that seem wrong in the Spirit. The reply of Jesus to him was to tell the devil this type of hunger can just be filled with the bread you want to give me but there is a bread that cometh from His word which has all power to fill to the brim.



      The devil has taken so many people hunger for God in replace of the Worldy bread he has given them. You have to a turn today to revive your Lost hunger for God. It is not a stopping hunger but a continuous hunger to see in in Glory and power for who He is. Make that decision today and start the journey with Christ in your Life and deny the devil . If your hunger cannot draw the attention of the Kingdom of darkness, then its not yet notibale enough. The hunger of man is visible to many eyes , even the devil identify an hungry man, there must something in you that must announce your hunger for Him. Work more on your Spiritual hunger, if it not challenging enough for many to see then you still have to work on it. Press more with your continuous hunger and shake Kingdom territories. God bless us as we emerge in this generation.




Creation date: Jun 22, 2020 12:33am     Last modified date: Jun 22, 2020 8:55pm   Last visit date: Jan 1, 2025 10:59am
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