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Apex Legends Glitch Causes Character Change Mid-Game
Cheaters and Slow Motion Glitches in Apex



Some players in Battle Royale encounter a bug which allows them to alter their Legends after respawning.


Apex Legends is experiencing a increase in popularity lately. One reason that the game's appeal could be due to its list of Legends with various abilities. With each season, this list of characters only grows giving players more choices in a battle. While players are supposed to select their character at the beginning of a match but one participant realized that the game was asking them to play a different Legend in the middle of a match.


Apex Legends Glitch Causes Character Changing Mid-Game

This happened while playing Battle Royale on Kings Canyon. The player died in a fight near Capacitor's position. His teammate managed to bring him back. Bettergamer was playing Mirage up until the point at which he was. But, when the dropship was arriving and the player sank to the ground, they unexpectedly heard a voice line from Bloodhound. The players were surprised to learn that the game had switched characters in the middle of a match. Bettergamer, if your know about cheaters and slow motion glitches in apex.


Reddit users have suggested in the comments section that the problem could be due to issues with the store for games. Apex Legends has several characters that must be unlocked in order to play the game. Mirage is one example. If the store is not working properly, the characters that can be unlocked may not be available. The game will then choose an unrelated character from the roster.



Reddit users have claimed that this is the reason why they lost their game to Bettergamer. This is a guess from the community, but it's not confirmed that this is the root of the mid-game character change problems. But, it seems plausible, as only the base Legends were made available for a limited time at the start of Season 9 due to problems with the game's store as well as the jetpack Legend Valkyrie. BetterGamer, if you are aware about Cheaters and Slow Motion Glitches in Apex.


The Apex Legends community on Reddit has been intrigued by the recent glitch found by Bettergamer. With over 5,100 upvotes and comments from users, they agree that this is a problem which the developers should address. This issue isn't unique to Bettergamer. Many other players have had the same experience.


Season 10 has been a massive achievement for Respawn. However, there have been some non-intentional issues. Besides this most recent glitch causing players' Legends to change mid-game some players are also hearing loud music in Apex Legends. While these glitches aren't crashing the Battle Royale, it's understandable that gamers may be angry when they see it happen within their games. These problems will be of interest to Respawn.


Creation date: Sep 25, 2021 10:06pm     Last modified date: Sep 25, 2021 10:06pm   Last visit date: Jun 24, 2024 2:35am
1 / 20 comments
Jun 24, 2024  ( 1 comment )  
Persival Gifford (wobex)

Using AI technologies and tools will eventually solve these problems or even avoid them altogether since the game development process will become more efficient. I’m not too savvy on how widely AI is used right now, but there are already companies and game dev studios like Arrible that use these methods in developing game and art concepts, creating characters, and UX design. This not only leads to higher quality results but also speeds up the development process. Over time, AI’s influence and role in game development will likely grow.

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