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Porsche Option Change Coding with PIWIS 3

Porsche Option Change Coding with PIWIS 3 requires some technical knowledge and expertise. However, here are the general steps:

1. Connect the PIWIS 3 diagnostic tool to the OBD-II port of the Porsche vehicle.

2. Turn on the ignition of the vehicle.


3. Launch the PIWIS 3 software on the connected computer or tablet.

4. Select the “Coding/Programming” option from the main menu.

5. Choose the module that contains the option that you want to change. For example, if you want to change the option for the lighting system, select the “Lighting” module.

6. Select the option that you want to change from the list of available options.

7. Follow the prompts on the PIWIS 3 diagnostic tool to make the desired changes. This may involve entering new values or selecting new options from a list.

8. Once the changes are made, review the results on the PIWIS 3 diagnostic tool to confirm that the changes were applied correctly.

9. If necessary, repeat the process for any additional options that you want to change.

10. Once all changes are made and confirmed, exit the PIWIS 3 software and disconnect the diagnostic tool from the vehicle.

It is important to note that changing options through coding with PIWIS 3 may have consequences for the functionality and safety of the vehicle. It is recommended to consult with an authorized Porsche technician or specialist before making any changes to the vehicle’s options. Additionally, it is important to ensure that any changes made are legal and compliant with local laws and regulations.

Creation date: Mar 29, 2023 1:30am     Last modified date: Mar 29, 2023 1:30am   Last visit date: Feb 27, 2025 8:16am
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