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Understand Regarding The North Vancouver's Most Popular Retaining Walls
retaining wall blocks Vancouver

One of the most common landscape features among the most common landscape features in North Vancouver is retaining walls. There are numerous designs to pick from and they can also be made from various materials. The retaining wall contractors is a company that offers installation services for new and existing walls for retaining, as well as design and project management. They also offer demolition services for the North Shore.

North Vancouver - Different types of walls for retaining

There are different types of walls that restraining Some of the most well-known walls are listed below.

Gravity wall retaining system:

Gravity walls are the most cost-effective retainer, and they are also the easiest to install. Retaining walls are designed according to "gravitational principles" meaning that the backfill material is placed against the flow of gravity. Since they are built on a slope the structure must be strong enough for gravity to hold off.

Wall anchors with retaining wall:

The Anchored North Vancouver retaining walls system is built with a smaller staff and is easy to operate. It also requires no excavation because it utilizes an existing slope for stability. Anchoring can be achieved using many materials, including concrete blocks and steel ties or cable, and wood stakes.

Reinforced retaining wall

Incorporating the walls with concrete cylinders or steel rods will make them more solid and durable. Reinforcements can be placed vertically in the interior of your wall up to a maximum height five feet.

Mechanical stabilization wall

Mechanical retaining wall blocks Vancouver are the most well-known option. They are composed of of concrete blocks, rocks, and stones placed on top of one the other. They are pushed into the ground to create an even surface.


A great way to increase the space in your yard is to construct walls to reclaim space. While the process is simple but it is costly in the case of the wall you decide to install.

Creation date: Jul 17, 2021 3:48am     Last modified date: Jul 17, 2021 3:48am   Last visit date: Dec 30, 2024 6:57pm
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