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Children's Flu: A Guide To Learning About And Stopping It


The flu virus is much more likely to affect children, particularly those under five years old. Flu is a viral infection that affects the throat, nose and lungs. The flu is contagious, and it can easily spread from person to person through the act of coughing or sneezing.


It is essential that parents, caregivers and guardians are aware of how the flu affects children, and what they can do to prevent it from spreading. In this blog post we'll look at the signs of flu, the importance of vaccination for your child and ways to prevent influenza from spreading.


Children Flu Virus Symptoms

It's sometimes difficult to know when your child may be suffering with a cold. It is common for the symptoms to be similar. The signs of flu could be sudden and include: If you intend to a full article about flu virus, browse around here.


Extreme fever (above 100.4degF)


The body or muscle aches


Dry Cough


Itchy throat


Runny nose or congestion






The vomiting or Diarrhea (more prevalent in the children compared to adults)


It is important to call your pediatric doctor immediately you observe any of the symptoms.


The importance of vaccination for your child

The best way to prevent spreading the flu virus is to get vaccinated your kids. In the United States, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggests that all children aged six months and above should receive an annual flu shot.


The flu vaccine is a weak or inactive viruses which trigger the body's immune system to generate antibodies against the flu. When you vaccinate your kids they not only aid keep them healthy but also protect others from contracting the virus.


Stopping the Flu from spreading

Apart from vaccination for your child, there are other measures you can take to keep the virus from spreading. The measures are:



Encouraging good hygiene practices: Instruct your child how to wash their hands often using soap and water especially after coughing, sneezing and blowing out their nose. When coughing or sniffling put a mask over the face and mouth of your child with tissue and throw it away immediately.


Make sure your child is home when sick If your child is suffering from signs of flu, you should confine them to home until they are feeling better. They will be less likely to spreading the virus to other children.


Disinfecting and cleaning surfaces: The flu virus can live on surfaces for up to 24 hours. So, it's important to disinfect and clean frequently touched surfaces such as doorknobs, toys and countertops.


Avoiding contact with sick people Do not allow your child to be in close proximity, particularly with those who have flu-like symptoms.



As guardians, parents, or caregivers, it is our responsibility to ensure that children are protected from the flu. Protecting your child against the flu requires that you know the signs and symptoms, as well as immunize your child and take measures to stop the spread the virus. We can prevent the spread of influenza by following these steps.


Creation date: Jun 24, 2023 11:09pm     Last modified date: Jun 24, 2023 11:09pm   Last visit date: Dec 30, 2024 8:13pm
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