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How to run a speed test router?

Before the test, make sure:

  • Restart your device and router. It’s best to connect your device directly to the router for the most accurate results.
  • Close all apps and programs

Below is a step-by-step guide on how to test internet speed:

Step 1: Access the website

Step 2: Hit the “Go” button in the left corner. Wait for a few seconds to see the results.


To have an accurate result, make sure there are no other devices using your network while running the speed test router.

Related topic:


How do you get the results after testing the Internet speed? 


If the speed is fast and you are satisfied with the result then you can stop here. But if for some reason the result is not what you expected, then note that sometimes, the results do not reflect your Internet speed. (If you use your phone's mobile connection during speed measurement, the actual speed will be obtained. However, mobile Internet speed will vary significantly depending on where you are located. stand.)


Easy steps to speed test router


Why don’t the results of speed test router sometimes reflect your Internet speed properly? Because when doing a speed rating, there may be other devices that are also connecting to your Internet and using some of the bandwidth of that connection. Also, if you have a super-high-speed broadband plan, your local Wi-Fi network might not be fast enough to transmit that too high Internet speed.

How to Speed Test Router Like a Pro

There will come a time when you wonder how fast your home internet connection is really, or what is the actual Wi-Fi speed of your home router? Of all factors affecting your Internet speed, the router seems to get less attention, but its impact on your connection is relative. In this article, we will give a guide on how to speed test router like a pro for the most accurate results. 

Speed test router: Is it the router that slows down your connection?

Why should you run a speed test?


Knowing your Internet speed can be helpful in some cases. Faster speeds are always better, but most importantly, you need to be sure about your Internet speed test to be able to perform many specific activities. For example, streaming movies from Netflix. For example, this is one of the activities that occupy the most bandwidth, you need a minimum download speed of 3 Megabits/sec (Mbps) to stream DVD quality, 5 Mbps for quality. HD and 25 Mbps for Blu-ray quality.


The above numbers may sound small, but it is the minimum requirement for a streamer. If there is more than one person streaming while you are running the speed test router, you will need to multiply the above number by the number of people to get the required speed.


Also, there are lots of other online activities you do every day, not just every stream. Some applications - like automatic system updates, for example - even go underground without your knowledge. So, the faster the Internet the better. But when it comes to the Internet, we're not just talking download.

How to Speed Test Router Like a Pro


A good wireless router is important to get the desired speed you want on your network.  However, there are many factors that can affect the wireless network connection speed between your router and computers. Run a speed test router to figure out if your router is dampening your network.

Creation date: Mar 17, 2021 12:32am     Last modified date: Mar 17, 2021 12:42am   Last visit date: Feb 20, 2025 8:08am
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