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Need a technical genius to work with your own development team and Lemon's development team? Add a technical director on demand at any time. If your developer fails to meet deadlines or expectations, we'll find you a new developer. No project schedule or cost shifts. Admittedly, we've never had to do that. But it's our promise. Just in case.


Creation date: Aug 20, 2022 4:23pm     Last modified date: Aug 20, 2022 4:24pm   Last visit date: Aug 31, 2024 6:01am
1 / 20 comments
Aug 24, 2023  ( 1 comment )  
Jane Thompson (jane00001)

If you've never heard of casual 2d style mobile games, then my suggestion is for you. I would like to recommend you to learn more about hyper casual games definition  on this site. There you will be able to define what it is, learn about the best casual games and much more. When I read it for the first time, I learned a lot of new things that I now consider invaluable. I recommend it to you too!

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