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Theoretically, aerosol-sized particles such as viruses can easily slip past your face masks. An accurate analogy would be trying to stop mosquitoes by erecting a wired fence. But the absurdity arises because the virus threat is invisible. There's no way of ever knowing if masks work. Ironically, if masks work, then they'd act as collection reservoirs for viruses and bacteria. The effectiveness of a mask in protection directly correlates to the probability of suffocation.


Your brain and heart needs oxygen to function. The nostrils and mouth are specifically purposed to allow air to flow through. The masks strike a compromise between imaginary protection from cold symptoms and the volume of air available for your lungs. Besides making the wearer look ridiculous, the masks provide a humid environment for bacteria and fungus to thrive. This leads to oral problems, bad breath and skin rashes.


With restricted airflow, your breath is recycled multiple times. The limited oxygen is converted into increasingly toxic levels of carbon dioxide. Within minutes, the air you breathe becomes highly toxic. Drowsiness is a confirmation that your brain is starved of oxygen. Permanent brain damage and blackout is imminent as a result of hypoxia. The danger is that wearers get used to the deficiency of air, but damage is being done. Your heart is unable to function optimally.


You can verify how damaging it really is by using an air quality meter.


It's a real special kind of herd-inspired stupidity that drives the decision-making process of individuals and blinds them. Humans have been around for millennia without face masks, hand sanitizers or vaccines. Your existence is testament to the effectiveness of your ancestor's natural immunity and defenses against all sorts of adversities. There aren't viruses flying around. If there were, the human race would not have made it past the bronze age


But the deeper significance is on a subconscious level. It's a kinda satanic ritual, a constant reminder to be fearful. You're acknowledging that you have surrendered yourself to follow the herd, a voluntary self enslavement. Facial emotions, communications and general perceptions are critical to human development, starting right from birth. There are direct and subtle effects on children's development and perceptions.


You are slowly killing yourself and your kids. PLEASE LET THEM BREATHE 24HOURS EVERYDAY FOREVER WITHOUT MASKS, we were kids once, we got to breathe. Don't deny them their right to breathe over an unverified and now disproved virus.


The unknown factor is the virus which should've been studied intensely through scientific observation and experiments but it's not, since the sarsncov2 virus doesn't physically exist. Somehow, there is only an insilico genome on genbank but no virus-isolate specimen. It has been assumed incorrectly that a positive PCR test result proves the presence of a virus. It does not.


  • Two years of precautions and restrictions resulted in all harm and no gain, for most of us at least.
  • There's ZERO evidence to show that masks prevent disease.
  • Asymptomatic carriers is unfounded, accounting for the huge number of cases
  • No physical specimen of a virus-isolate from all these test samples or infected hosts.
  • Over 16000 cases with no mention or gauge of their accuracy


There is an ugly inevitable explanation for all this insanity. If you are reading this, then its only a matter of time before this will be removed. All truths will be banned for what they deem misinformation. Why?



Creation date: Feb 26, 2022 4:50am     Last modified date: Feb 27, 2022 11:09pm   Last visit date: Dec 27, 2024 8:16pm
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