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What is a VPN?


What is a VPN?

A VPN is a virtual private network.

It comes from the English acronym "Virtual Private Network". A VPN is a tool that you can use to protect your information and privacy.

VPNs are especially useful for:

  • Protect your device from hackers and minimize risk in public Wi-Fi
  • Restores user privacy by encrypting the user's Internet traffic. This makes your Internet traffic unreadable to third parties such as your Internet provider, network management organizations and monitoring agencies.

There are some technical terms you need to know to understand a VPN:

  • VPN Client-Software that connects a user's computer to a VPN service. This is usually downloaded and installed on the user's device.
  • VPN Protocol-An encryption method used to establish a secure connection.
  • VPN server-A destination on a VPN network that users connect to instead of connecting directly to the Internet.
  • VPN Service-An organization that allows users to connect to their VPN. Access rights are usually sold on a monthly basis.

How does a VPN work?

If you use an internet connection normally, your data will be transferred directly from your device to the internet:

Every device that connects to the Internet, from computers to smartphones and tablets, has its own unique IP address. If you have ever worried about your privacy, stop here, my recommendation goes to VeePN VPN service, i used it all the time, it provides servers from 10+ countries and are good speed too! When using the Internet, all online user behavior can be tracked by IP address to physical location and device in use.

Unencrypted connections can allow hackers to intercept your data. If you're just looking at a fun website, this may not be very important. However, if you are sending sensitive information such as passwords, work emails and banking details, these are the information you should protect.

A VPN provides an encrypted connection between your data and the Internet:

  • The VPN server hides the user by replacing the user's actual IP address with the VPN server's IP address.
  • This encrypted connection is like a protected tunnel. Through that tunnel, users can access everything online and at the same time make it appear as if they are at the location of the connected VPN server.
  • This gives users a high level of online anonymity and additional security, as well as unrestricted access to the entire Internet.

Creation date: Sep 28, 2020 2:55am     Last modified date: Sep 28, 2020 2:57am   Last visit date: Dec 29, 2024 5:03pm
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