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You Will Want to Have a Foot Massage Now!
solid Massage

A massage for your feet can help you unwind after a long day of walking and standing particularly if your feet are swelling due to the stress. It's a normal pleasure however, is it worth the effort required to make our feet feel more relaxed and relieve some pain?


There are numerous claims which are a bit outrageous about what a simple massage can do for you however, there is little evidence to support these claims. Let's look at some of the benefits of solid massage that have been proven by real scientific research. benefits that are either immediate or can be observed and experienced after a few weeks, even with as little as two to three sessions each week.


Unexpected Benefits Of Foot Massage

Increases circulation


We've lost the ability to work our muscles frequently due to our lifestyle of sitting. Tight and uncomfortable shoes can be a source of circulation problems, and the muscles of the feet do not receive enough exercise. For diabetics, a 10- 20 minute massage before bed will greatly improve circulation.


Aids in preventing ankle and foot injuries


Massage your feet with your hands can help reduce joint pain, ease muscle soreness and injury recovery. But, if solid massage is coupled with ankle and foot strengthening exercises and stretching it will help prevent injuries from occurring in the future, and also accelerate the recovery process of existing injuries. It is possible to reduce your risk of injury by doing a short session three to five days per week. We all have our moments of clumsiness, but a strengthened and flexible foot and ankle ensures that we can avoid painful injuries. In case where you like a useful source on by solid massage, look at this website.



It helps with migraines and headaches.


A study conducted in Denmark revealed that those suffering from headaches and migraines had significant improvements after receiving reflexology treatments. After three months of treatment, subjects had experienced a reduction in their symptoms. In addition, some were cured. Foot massages using reflexology may have helped people make positive lifestyle changes that may have led to the remarkable outcomes.


Lowers blood pressure


The issue of high blood pressure is fairly common in modern men as well as women. The high blood pressure could be caused by the stress of life or an unhealthy diet. However, in the majority instances there isn't any particular reason. It's believed to be due to environmental factors as well as genetics. One study of healthcare workers who care for elderly people with dementia revealed that they had a better mood, less blood pressure and had less anxiety after a 10 minute session by solid massage.


Pregnant women experience a reduction in edema


Edema, that is, swelling caused by swelling caused by fluid retention within the feet and ankles is common among pregnant women, mostly in the last trimester. It can be treated by massaging your feet regularly as well as resting and a healthy diet.


Massage for feet is beneficial to your physical and mental health. Professional massages are sometimes quite expensive, but there are many resources online that will help you to understand the various types of by solid massage. It's only 10-20 minutes a few times a week, so you and your loved one will reap the benefits of foot massages without much effort.


Creation date: Jul 31, 2021 10:36pm     Last modified date: Jul 31, 2021 10:36pm   Last visit date: Mar 12, 2025 8:10pm
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