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Everything You Need to Learn About Liveaboard Diving


It's time to plan a trip to cruising indonesia and you are just one step from diving spots. Perhaps you're already hooked and have reserved your next liveaboard trip. Here are a few things to keep in mind before you board.


A lot of liveaboards travel far from their home in various time zones. To allow your body time to adjust to the huge time difference and also to get from jet lag, make sure you arrive at least one day before departure. Many divers arrive at the vessel, only to spend the first few days in fog, not being able to concentrate during the briefings or not knowing important details regarding the vessel or diving methods. A day before departure means you won't be stressed out about missing the boat if you experience flight delays.


Be Light


Flip flops, shorts or skirts that dry fast loose T-shirts, and perhaps an sarong are all you need to liveaboard diving. It is also necessary to have at least two tanks or swimsuits to keep your body warm. It's not necessary to have everything else. You don't require the makeup, the elegant pants and dresses or even a few pairs of shoes. You won't need them, we promise. You can use your allowance for luggage to store your diving gear in case you own it.


Check Your Equipment Prior to You Start


How many times have we heard it said?


Make any special requests in advance.


Want to eat vegetarian on your boat? Perhaps you've got an allergy or you would like to have smaller tanks. Make sure you make any specific requests to the Banda sea diving hammerhead company at the time you make your reservation and not just when you get there and board the boat. If given sufficient time, most liveaboards will be accommodating to guest requests.



Leave Your Marine-Life Expectations At Home


In the months prior to your trip you pore over captain's reports and hear tales of whales, whale sharks, marine monsters, and mermaids and at the conclusion of your trip you are unhappy because you did not see one of these things, right? If something was seen last week on a charter however doesn't mean it's going to be seen on your charter. These wild animals are unpredictable and should be treated with caution. While there aren't any guarantees of sightings, your crew will try their best to increase your chances. While you wait, take note of the wildlife you see.


Tip Money


Tips: Regardless of your beliefs or your geographic geographical location, you are able to leave a tip. Liveaboard crews live on tips. The crew members will work many hours to ensure you not only have the experience of a lifetime and also stay safe during the voyage. If they are not rewarded for this effort they'll leave and seek out other employment since the basic pay rate in the dive industry is not good. It is recommended to budget 20% of the expense of the trip in cash. Keep the money in an envelope. Some companies do not give tips to crew members who use credit cards.


Don't be afraid to talk to The Crew


The crew members of your charter will be eager to communicate with you even if they don't know the language you speak. Chat with them and try to get to know them as much as possible. Don't be afraid of telling your crew when there's an issue. They aren't able to assist you if they don't know. From questions and concerns about diving, assistance with your equipment or need a good laugh, even the quietest of crew members are willing to engage in conversation.


Trip Insurance


Check that you are carrying it. Weather, lost dive gear or illness can end up ruining your trip. Although any of these scenarios can be a disaster, they don't have to be as big of an issue you've got insurance coverage for your trip. Charters can be cancelled if someone is ill. If you choose to dive even though you're sick you could end up hurt, suffering from blown ear drums or ruined sinuses or cause illness to your crew or passengers. Sit it out and try another time when you're 100 percent.


Relax and enjoy yourself when planning your Banda sea diving hammerhead holiday. Don't stress about the small things. Is your camera malfunctioning? Take it off and relax a dive without watching it through an eye-piece. Is your dive buddy irritating you? Try switching it up, or use diving guides and meet some new people. liveaboard diving dive trips can be expensive, difficult and unpredictable. Do not let these issues get to you. You've committed to an adventure. You might be able to enjoy it.


Creation date: Oct 13, 2021 11:08pm     Last modified date: Oct 13, 2021 11:08pm   Last visit date: Sep 22, 2024 3:58pm
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