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7 Benefits Hidden From Cruising That Might Surprise You


Are you wondering if you should consider a cruise holiday for you? There are plenty of obvious benefits of an all-inclusive holiday with a set itinerary for your destination There are many advantages of Indonesian island cruise which might be a surprise to you.


Cruise holidays are a vacation, a time to relax, to unwind, and to discover new places. A typical cruise ship vacation includes all meals, world class entertainment, lectures on enrichment and spa. Also, it includes accommodation and transportation. This is only the tip of the of the iceberg.


Seven Benefits of Cruising either now or in the future.

If you're cruising right now or waiting, here are some advantages from cruising that you may not have thought about.


It is possible to visit places off the beaten path, without having to spend long periods of time there


Although most cruises originate from cities that are large and go to major ports of call, many are based in less-known areas.


There are some that are exotic and beautiful such as Moorea, French Polynesia. Other are intriguing. We've seen endless lines of bikes in Haarlem, Netherlands, toured an iron ore processing plant in Port Hedland, Australia, and even viewed a unique wood statue of Moses in the church of Itajai, Brazil.


Cruising can convert transit time to entertainment


We find amazing spots when we venture off the beaten track. Onboard activity options keep our transit days fun.


It's the opposite when we attempt to reach these remote areas on our own. It is more difficult to get to remote locations in the case of more obscure. On land, this typically means long boring drives or worse, airport layovers that are not long enough to travel anywhere, but too long to stand in.


Find something that is completely new


Indonesian island cruise provides the opportunity to enrich your life for free and have some fun. amusement. We usually participate in some type of dance lesson, trivia games and also go to some of the seminars.



But that's not all. Every day we attempt something different. When we first sailed with Azamara we tried watercolour painting. During our cruise to reposition we learned how to play the ukulele. One ship had an astronomy enrichment program that included night-time star spotting as well as an indoor portable planetarium.


Someone else will do the research and planning for destinations.


It's not essential to make a plan in advance. Every ship we have sailed on offers an excursion desk on the shore and destination experts available for questions. For people who don't research, having someone else do the work is one of the benefits of cruising.


Intimately familiar with the port cities, the expert's presentation will explain all you need to know before you visit the port of your choice. You can also watch the replay on your stateroom television if you didn't catch it.


Unpack only one time


It is common to take a light journey and don't carry all our luggage. I like the idea of taking one bag and spreading it out. In contrast, most people pack too much. If you're like this and you are one of them, having to pack only once and visit different cities is a huge advantage.


Shop till you drop


Shopping can be expensive regardless of how carefully you take your shopping bags. Sailing one way, to the city you live in is the best option.


Delicious meals can be cooked by a third party as well as many ships cater to those with food allergies.


Many cruisers consider mealtime an important time, since it's packed with delicious food and often unlimited portions. If you opt for dining rooms, speciality restaurants or buffets, you'll not go hungry on a cruise ship.


For me, catering to food allergy issues is among the major benefits of cruising, although for some, it may seem meaningless. Even with the simplest food restrictions, every on-shore restaurant meal is a requirement for me to explain my food allergies , and I hope the server understands and can translate it correctly to the chef.


Creation date: Nov 16, 2021 10:04pm     Last modified date: Nov 16, 2021 10:04pm   Last visit date: Sep 22, 2024 3:58pm
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