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4. How to avoid these 3 spiritual killers


--Luke 8:14-15 The seeds that fell among the thorns represent those who hear the message, but all too quickly the message is crowded out by the cares and riches and pleasures of this life. And so they never grow into maturity. 15 … who hear God’s word, cling to it, ...


How can you avoid these 3 spiritual killers?

What will happen to you if you let one or more of these to crowd out God's word? 

What crowds out God’s Word the most in your life?




1 tim 6.9 long to be rich



Creation date: Jan 12, 2019 7:33am     Last modified date: Jan 15, 2019 6:53am   Last visit date: Sep 18, 2024 6:32am
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Sep 30, 2021  ( 1 comment )  
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