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Are You Sure That Microsoft Office Available With MacBook Air?
MacBook Air



Apple's MacBook Air is a laptop loved for its portability as well as efficiency. However, regarding the software available, there's some apps that people usually expect to come pre-installed on their gadgets. The most popular of them includes Microsoft Office, a suite of productivity tools, which includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint as well as many more. In this piece, we will explore whether or not the MacBook Air comes with Microsoft Office and also discuss other options for those who require office productivity software.

What exactly is Microsoft Office?

It is crucial to be aware of what Microsoft Office actually is. Microsoft Office is a collection of software applications developed in the name of Microsoft Corporation. It comprises Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and other programs. These programs are utilized to accomplish various tasks including creating emails, managing spreadsheets and word processing and more.

What is included in the pre-installed software on a MacBook Air?

If you buy the MacBook Air It includes a set of pre-installed applications developed by Apple. They are designed to improve the user experience and are functional right from the beginning. The built-in applications that are available on the MacBook Air include Safari (web browser), Mail (email client), Pages (word processor), Numbers (spreadsheet software), Keynote (presentation software) along with many other. To discover more info about MacBook Air, you must browse Does The MacBook Air Come With Microsoft Office website.

Does MacBook Air Include Microsoft Office?

The MacBook Air doesn't come without Microsoft Office pre-installed. Apple and Microsoft operate separately and, therefore, Microsoft Office does not come installed on MacBook Airs, as well as other Apple products. Therefore, if you require Microsoft Office applications on your MacBook Air, it is necessary to buy these on your own.

What is the best way to install Microsoft Office for MacBook Air?

For users to use Microsoft Office applications on your MacBook Air, you have several options to choose from:

Microsoft 365 Subscription:

Subscribing for Microsoft 365, formerly Office 365, is the most well-known method to install Microsoft Office on a MacBook Air. Microsoft 365, an online cloud subscription service offers the latest editions of Microsoft Office apps and other services like cloud storage and collaboration. Microsoft 365 allows you to install Office on MacBook Air, and receive periodic updates.




One-Time Purchase:

It is possible to buy Microsoft Office once instead of subscribing to Microsoft 365. It allows you to purchase a specific edition of Office (such like Office 2019) outright without needing subscription. One-time purchases give you access to Office suite that comes with a lifetime license. That means that you will be able to enjoy it for a long time without the need to pay for future updates.

Online Office Suites

If you do not require the full Microsoft Office Suite, but simply require basic productivity tools and tools, you might want to try an online solution like Google Docs. These are apps on the web with similar functionality to Microsoft Office. You can use them via your MacBook Air's web browser.

The Apple Productivity Suite: iWork

Apple's suite of productivity apps, iWork, is preinstalled on the MacBook Air. iWork comprises Pages (word processor) as well as Numbers (spreadsheet software) as well as Keynote (presentation software). The applications work with Microsoft Office file formats, which allows users to open, modify and save files like .docx, .xlsx, and .pptx.


In conclusion, the MacBook Air isn't equipped pre-loaded with Microsoft Office pre-installed. However, you have various choices for accessing and using Microsoft Office applications on your MacBook Air, including subscribing to Microsoft 365, purchasing a one-time license, or exploring alternative online office suites. Furthermore, Apple provides its productivity suite called iWork, which offers similar capabilities to Microsoft Office. Consider your specific needs and financial budget when you decide which option is best suited for your needs.


Creation date: Jul 21, 2023 7:08pm     Last modified date: Jul 21, 2023 7:08pm   Last visit date: Jun 25, 2024 4:36am
4 / 20 comments
Oct 17, 2023  ( 1 comment )  
Nov 27, 2023  ( 1 comment )  
Dec 4, 2023  ( 1 comment )  
Grey Fendy (greyfendy)

Even if it doesn't there are google docs online services

They are quite handy

Dec 11, 2023  ( 1 comment )  
Maximilian Hohenzollern (maximilianhohenzollern)

I switched to using a Mac a long time ago because I like Apple devices and MacOS. By the way, I don’t know if there is an alternative to Siri on Windows, because I quite use this function. Previously, it seemed to me that this was unnecessary, but after reading this article I realized that Siri can be a multifunctional tool for solving various problems.

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