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The IBS Solution by Julissa Clay

PDF Book Download! The IBS Solution by Julissa Clay... This “IBS monster” wreaks havoc on your digestive tract, your social life, your comfort, and your career. It throws a monkey wrench into anything and everything that’s important to you. It doesn’t care if you’re at work, in the car or out to dinner with your friends or spouse. When it strikes (and it always seems to attack when you need it the least) it disrupts everything else going on in your life. Even worse, it even affects you between attacks... The worry and anxiety about ‘when will it strike next?’ rattle inside your head like ping pong balls, making it impossible to enjoy life! And nothing, NOTHING seems to be able to tackle this monster! That's till I discovered these 3-simple-steps that completely eliminate almost everyone's IBS in 21 days or less..


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Creation date: Mar 8, 2024 5:44am     Last modified date: Mar 8, 2024 5:51am   Last visit date: Aug 29, 2024 7:53pm
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