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Overwhelmed Starting An Internet Marketing Blog?

Have you been overwhelmed starting an internet marketing blog, or indeed any kind of blog? I can't imagine
anyone wouldn't feel overwhelmed at some point when starting a marketing-type blog.

Blogging and all that it entails requires a wide variety of skills which need to be developed, especially if you're
going to do it all yourself.

All the technical stuff of setting everything up at the start is probably enough to put many off, assuming you're
buying your own domain and hosting then installing WordPress and selecting a theme for your site and maybe
designing your own logo.

Overwhelmed Starting A WordPress Blog

Then comes the task of optimising your WordPress blog such as setting up a more appropriate permalink
structure (eg. /%category%/%postname%/), maybe adding a few more ping services, ensuring you have the right
plugins installed and configured for security, spam protection, contact form, backing up, social media sharing and
auto posting, statistics, SEO, and so on. Then you need privacy and terms pages as a minimum for search engine

So if you're new to all this, how could it not be completely overwhelming at first! And all that is before you've
even started to write your blog or even thought about how you're going to promote your blog and get noticed.

Starting A Blog From Scratch this, as a newbie, is not something you can rush. It can also take a lot of trial and error before you're happy
with your new creation. The learning curve then continues when you start writing and promoting your blog.
Needless to say, there have been moments when I've become an overwhelmed blogger
 with all the little
individual tasks that blogging involves, such as running all the social media accounts and writing to your email list
(you are collecting email addresses using an autoresponder aren't you?) which can take up more time than the
actual blogging itself.

Therefore, it rapidly becomes imperative that effective time management and organisation must take priority to
avoid the overwhelming chaos that such a full time endeavour as becoming a successful blogger can engender.

An colleague of mine online, Stephen Hawkins, recently wrote an excellent short piece about how to deal with
being overwhelmed when faced with a multitude of tasks which demand your attention. Stephen has kindly
allowed me to quote the piece here for you:

Overwhelmed - The Wimps Excuse/Way Out...

Just to note: When I'm taking a short break from my tasks I can begin to get a little overwhelmed at the
size of my list and what needs to be done in order to get where I want to be.

Some... and its mentioned a lot in the digital marketing create-a-product area, say that overwhelm is a big
problem and can cause you to procrastinate and of course that's true. What they don't say (or I haven't
heard it) is what the actual cause is and the solution. Here it is from my own perspective:

Overwhelm usually occurs when you are in a relaxed state (not the ACTIVE state you need to be in to get
things done - so it's the opposite) such as when your taking a break or even when you are contemplating
what needs to be done. And that's the problem.

The images in your mind at the time of overwhelm are usually of the whole job lot of projects etc. So
overwhelm is the EFFECT of the images in your mind. Or Overwhelm is the effect of your focus. Which
makes sense because overwhelm more succinctly put is:

Concentrating on everything that needs to be done rather than on the one thing that needs to be done.
So to remove overwhelm, simply shift your focus onto the one thing that needs doing rather than on
everything that needs doing.

By shifting your focus onto the one thing (even a little) the big picture/lots of pictures looses its control
and is replaced by the picture of the ONE Thing.

In short overwhelm is creating a problem where there isn't one. Its self created and easily remedied by
shifting your focus.

One Task At A Time

The first task should of course be creating a massive list of tasks?

The simple conclusion from Stephen therefore is; having massive goals and prepared lists, but focusing on just the
one that needs doing.

Creation date: Aug 29, 2020 2:45pm     Last modified date: Aug 29, 2020 2:47pm   Last visit date: Feb 17, 2025 1:36am
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