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Originally, I was going to go up to Walnut Creek, Ca, to visit my friend and former roomate, Lauren. The trip somehow morphed into a ski trip.
We drove up from Lauren's boyfriend's apartment in Sac to the Sierra at Tahoe resort on HWY 50. It was snowing very hard, as you can se by the covered snowboards.
My friend Courtney, myself and Lauren. All three of us were in the sorority together. Courtney is graduating this quarter while, Lauren graduated last spring.  Lauren and i were roomates over the summer and we lived together back in the 2002-2003 school year.
Lauren's boyfriend Dan, and his buddy Kirby. Both are marines and are stationed out in the east bay somewhere. Dan will soon be shipping off to Quantico Cirginia for officer training stuff and Kirby will be getting out of the service and moving down to Los Angbeles  soon
We drove up in Dan's mom's 4 wheel drive SUV, which was surprisingly very uncomfortable.
ah, a beautiful day on the slopes of Tahoe.
The first chairlift ride up
The girls, excited for a day of boarding and skiing
Conditions got soo bad that by 1pm we had retreated back to the lodge. I only did two runs but they were the best runs ever. I have never carved so much in my life and i hardly fell at all. I attribute this accomplishment to the massive amounts of powder and the extrememly low visiblity. Since i couldn't see anything, i didn't get scared. Pictured here: Dan, Lauren, Kriby and courtney
Then, Lauren, Kriby, Courtney and myself
The happy couple!
another happy couple
COurtney caught me laughing at something. I don't remember what. All in all it was a fun trip, even though we got stuck in some crazy traffic getting off the mountain and we only got to ski a half day.
oh yeah, Kriby snapped his board on his second run. He wasn't too happy about it.

Creation date: Jan 16, 2006 1:59am     Last modified date: Sep 3, 2007 2:44pm   Last visit date: Sep 5, 2024 1:28am
4 / 20 comments
Jan 16, 2006  ( 2 comments )  
Jan 17, 2006  ( 1 comment )  
Christina Roper (croper)
Congrats on your best run ever, I like how it was your best because you couldn't see enough to get scared.  :)
Oct 28, 2021  ( 1 comment )  
anonymous user (anonymous): edited 8/29/2023 4:51pm


  1. 01:51:03


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