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Don's Reception Photos pg.1B

Don's Reception Photos pg.1B

Someone's feet hurt!!
Cutting the Cake!
Epes, Becky and Tom
Oscar and Monica
Aaron and Christina, Monica and Oscar
Uncle Rob and Aunt Andrea, Ian and Rose
Tom and Nancy
Rob, Tom and Lindsay
Poppa Tom taking movies too!
Throwing of the bouquet...
The Garter!
Throwing of the Garter
A big hug from Jennifer
Bill fiege and Juliet, James and Sarah - Poor Jeanine was ill!
Me having a chuckle with Pastor Diane
Me visiting with Ian, Andrea and Rose
Vicki and Laura Lynn - church friends.
Don's pictures - More on page 2

Creation date: Mar 6, 2008 7:31pm     Last modified date: Mar 23, 2008 3:19pm   Last visit date: Sep 5, 2024 1:29am
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