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Part 3: Katharine's Graduation

Part 3: Katharine's Graduation Luncheon - Union Hotel

The Union Hotel is located in Los Alamos, and was an old stage coach stop / hotel back in the 1880's.  Tom and I first discovered this unique place way back in the predawn era, in 1978!   It became a favorite place to go to on a weekend holiday throughout the years, and it was a lovely place to have Katharine's celebration luncheon. We had the dining room to ourselves, and the food was delicious!

We've known the current owner for about 12 years, a sweet lady who does her best to keep the place up.

We  had two long tables to seat 16 people.  One table was for the over 40 crowd, and the other table was for the under 35 group!




Creation date: Jun 28, 2006 7:23am     Last modified date: Nov 10, 2006 5:27pm   Last visit date: Sep 23, 2024 4:21am
6 / 1000 comments
Aug 16, 2006  ( 2 comments )  
Aug 17, 2006  ( 2 comments )  
Aug 27, 2006  ( 1 comment )  
Julie Carr (beekielou)
While there is a Los Alamos  in New Mexico, this Los Alamos is located a little south of Santa Maria.
Oct 28, 2021  ( 1 comment )  
anonymous user (anonymous)


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