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Family Update, March 2009

Family Update, March 2009
It's been awhile since I sent out photos, so here are a few.
Sue and Isaac while babysitting on 2-12.
And here is Reagan on the same date.
Reagan has become a bit of Grampa's girl when she stays over.
On Valentine's Day Reagan got a tiger.
Isaac looked on in interest.  He's looking around a lot now and has a cute smile when he spots your face.
Here's Reagan from a babysitting session on 2-28.  She has definately developed her own personality.
Isaac looks around while Grandma gets a bad beat.
This is the extent of the 'big snowstorm' that monopolized the news on 3-1.
Most of our area was missed as the center of the storm went south and then east of us.
Isaac from a babysit on 3-3. This one shows his hair real well.
March 6th, Sue's birthday, was a pleasent spring day.
Here the pear trees out front start blooming.
And the maples out back are budding too.
All the kids showed up for Mom's birthday.
Jay and Reagan at play in the kitchen.
Isaac awoke from his nap to find himself at Grandma's.
It was a sunny day with temperatures in the 70s.
Jim supervises Jay as Reagan and Trav look on while the ribs are seasoned and wrapped.  Jay picked up a couple of sides of ribs along with chicken breast and chicken cutlets for a family barbaque on the grill.  Through in four kinds of veggies cooked three ways, homemade raisin and corn bread plus strawberry cheese cake for desert, and all were well filled by days end. 
Kim and Bri look on as Grandma has Isaac.
Bri got her turn with Isaac too.
Jay and Trav whompped their folks at pinochole, seven games to one.
Grandma zips up Reagan's coat for her trip home.
We're sure blessed to have such a nice family.

Creation date: Mar 7, 2009 1:51pm     Last modified date: Mar 7, 2009 3:13pm   Last visit date: Sep 25, 2024 5:26am
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