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1 - Shanghai Part 1
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Creation date: Dec 6, 2010 4:00pm     Last modified date: Sep 5, 2011 10:48pm   Last visit date: Sep 26, 2024 6:20am
4 / 20 comments
Feb 17, 2011  ( 4 comments )  
Christina Roper (croper)
Yay, Stacy - you put up pictures!  I so enjoyed this photoblog and seeing where you live and David's work and the kids and everything.  Some funny stuff too, especially David's 'worktruck'.  You look great.  In the picture of you and Nolan in the cab, with his hood up, he looks so much like Lilah.  Lilah's hair is really growing.  Hard to remember now when she was a bald little baby.  :)

Miss you so much!
Kell Cates (kandw123)
I love and miss you all!!! It was so good to see you all. I'm sure one day I will be able to look at pictures and not cry my eyes out. I can't wait to hug you all again. Thank you so much for the pictures!!
imanate1 (imanate1)
I miss you guys so much. The babies are getting big! I love the pictures, Nate just emailed them to me at work. You guys make me smile. Hope we come soon! Love you, Love you! Whitney <3
Becky Garrett (becky)
Stacy, LOVE the pictures!!!!!! Can't wait to see you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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