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05 May 28 Kathy's 50th Birthday at the Red Barn
May 28, 2005 Kathy's Fifties 50th Birthday at the "Red Barn"
Page 1 of 4
Thanks so much to Christina, Rin, Karen, Paula, Cheryl, and Laurelle for putting on a very special party for Kathy!
Christina made these 8x10's of me from babyhood on
The colors scheme was red, black and white daisies in real coke bottles! We had hamburgers, french fries and salad.
Paula made the Lucy "talking heads" as conversation starters! There were yoyo, slinkies, and bubble gum in the mini buckets! Thanks, Karen, for the daisies!
Rin (the owner of the barn with her husband Mark) served everyone sodas on tap; there was coke, sprite, orange and root beer!
I brought a few albums and everyone wrote on an album square to put in my scrapbook.
The photo backdrop
A ladies group photo- left to right is Doris, Cheryl , Paula,Kathy, Christina, Marcia, Laurelle and Rin
Karen and I are wearing Monica and Rebecca's poodle skirts from high school!
Christina doing the hula hoop as well as she did in the 3rd grade!
Her mom still can't keep the hoop up!
Rich and Doug give it a whirl
Loren gave it his best!
"You just do it this way!"
Marcia looks great in fuschia!
Karen has it down!
Thank you, Christina and Aaron for all your work on this party!! Christina, you went really BIG!!!!!!!
Wow, half a century old, we are!
My best friend!
Trying out the dance moves
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Creation date: May 29, 2005 3:52am Last modified date: Oct 11, 2005 2:38am Last visit date: Mar 10, 2025 4:45am
9 / 1000 comments Displaying comment thread
May 29, 2005 ( 1 comment )
Monica Galvan (monica)
Mamacita!! Your BEAUTIFUL!! I absolutely love it!
Everyone looks so happy! It looks like so much fun! The
decorations are amazing!! Good job Christina!! It looks
like such an awesome party!
May 30, 2005 ( 1 comment )
karen alviso (karen)
Kathy I love every picture, escpecially of you and I together with the
hula hoops!!! We didn't get one of mark and I with you???
Thie was the best party. Great pictures. Everyone was so happy and smiling!!!!
May 31, 2005 ( 1 comment )
Robert Carr (robert)
Wow, very impressive! The speakers are really impressive. What a great locale for the party.
I want to know - just how good was Richard at the hula hooping?
Jun 1, 2005 ( 1 comment )
Richard Carr (richard)
I was terrible at hula hooping. My longest was 3 seconds. But Christina was awesome, she could have gone on forever.
Jun 6, 2005 ( 1 comment )
Sonja Bertelli (sonja)
Great party Fusselmans hospitailty the best. Christina you have a new
career. But I want to know where is the photo of me and the
dancing bear ? Fun meeting Tommys high school classmate Mark.
Kathy looking good at 50. Tommys steady girlfriend,Cheri
Jun 7, 2005 ( 1 comment )
Cheryl Roper (momroper)
Kathy, what a fun party, you will never forget it. Christina did an amazing job planning and preparing for it didn't she? It was such a great location, it just made the theme.
Jun 13, 2005 ( 1 comment )
Dave Webster (webster)
My Dear Kathy,
Wow, 50, seems just like yesterday you were getting married, and now the kids are out of the nest, and Richard has the whole house to chase you around in. The Party looks wonderful, what a neat place to have it with all your distinguished guests. Can't wait till your 100th.
Much Love,
Dave Webster
Oct 2, 2005 ( 1 comment )
Steve Moldenhauer (parson)
Kathy, it was so good to see you today at the life chain. Thanks
for saying "HI". This is a great site! I enjoyed looking at
pictures of your family. I have signed up and will use it. Pastor
Jan 5, 2006 ( 1 comment )
Too Cute! Although there's no way Kathy looks 50. She doesn't look a day older than the last time I saw her--and that was years ago! Looks like the party was tons of fun! Rich, thank you so much for the photo stills you left on my site. Those are adorable! I'm going to to have my mom visit my site again so she can see them. Thanks for sharing! Take care!
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