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05 May 28 Kathy's 50th Birthday party (page 2)

 Kathy's 50th birthday party (page 2)
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Cheri arrived with Tom's class ring around her neck and his sweater and a singing, dancing 50's bear!!!
Old Cal Poly friends reunite
Our  friends and neighbors around the corner!
Eric and Rick
Rich with Mark and Karen
Two of my dearest friends, Karen & Cheri
The youngest member of our Bible study, Laurelle, with her husband Brandon
Bill and Cheryl are working hard at the Fifties quiz
I barely managed to blow out all the candles!  Christina made a carrot and a lemon cake, and Paula wrote on it. Paula had me wear a flashing crown!
Whew, I did it!
Turning 50 requires two birthday cakes now!
Paula was the emcee for the party interviewing Mark, who's known Kathy the longest (32 years!)
We sat in a circle and I shared what each person meant to me
Others shared as well
The sharing was the highlight of the evening for me!
What a special time!
Family and Friends- how sweet it is!
Opening my presents afterwards
Thanks for the memories!!
Disneyland opened the year I was born!
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Creation date: May 29, 2005 4:08am     Last modified date: Feb 28, 2006 1:28am   Last visit date: Mar 1, 2025 12:43am
1 / 1000 comments
May 29, 2005  ( 1 comment )  
Monica Galvan (monica)
Mom - I love these pictures!!  The one of you and Karen after you blew out the candles is priceless!  It is so precious to see everyone's smiling faces!
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