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05 May 28 Kathy's 50th Birthday party (page 3)
Kathy's 50th birthday (page 3)
Page 3 of 4
Doug and Doris, so glad your adoption was successful, at last! You make great parents!
Brandon and Laurelle, looking forward to seeing your new baby soon!!
Marcia and Loren, from whom I learned how to host a home wedding without a major panic attack even if 215 guests are coming to our house!!!AAGGGHH!
Rick came in his red Camaro! What a dear brother in Christ
Paula, my sanguine, vivacious friend and dear sister in Christ
Gary and Liz: Gary was one of Rich's roommates at Cal Poly, from the hard-core days with the Navigators
Christina, the master planner and coordinator of this event and my handsome son-in-law, who was the photographer
Still going strong, since my Cal Poly days with Ed, and his wife, Mindy
Cheri and I, friends since our kids were at Merced Christian School together and Gateway Church.
You should hear this bear sing!
My friend Tracey, minus her four beautiful kids. Need legal paperwork done? Call Tracey at ESC Legal, 200-0095
My wonderful praying friend, Pat
Bill & Cheryl, thank you for being part of my life and all you do for our kids!
Mark and Rin, thank you for your wonderful hospitality and fun-loving spirits in Christian love. You made a big wish come true!!!
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