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Reef is 1 Month old!
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Creation date: Jan 31, 2014 10:00am     Last modified date: Mar 31, 2014 12:48am   Last visit date: Sep 25, 2024 2:15am
11 / 1000 comments
Feb 2, 2014  ( 3 comments )  
Feb 3, 2014  ( 2 comments )  
Feb 4, 2014  ( 1 comment )  
Feb 5, 2014  ( 1 comment )  
Feb 8, 2014  ( 2 comments )  
Feb 12, 2014  ( 1 comment )  
Elizabeth Dierks (lizzy)

I see Richard in Reef!

Dec 30, 2022  ( 1 comment )  
Thomas Ivey (thomasivey)

Wonderful little guy! I remember a time when my baby was like that. It's beautiful. The only thing was that he didn't have enough breast milk and we supplemented him with HiPP Dutch Stage 1 organic Bio Combiotic Milk Formula which was a great addition to his diet. I am glad that the formula contains all the ingredients that are important for the proper development of the baby.

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