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Gael is 5 Months Old!
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Creation date: Mar 8, 2014 8:00am     Last modified date: Mar 8, 2014 10:00pm   Last visit date: Sep 20, 2024 9:22pm
11 / 1000 comments
Mar 9, 2014  ( 7 comments )  
Mar 10, 2014  ( 2 comments )  
Mar 11, 2014  ( 1 comment )  
Katharine Carr (katharine)

Just a wonderful photo blog !  what a special little guy and I love your stories ! it really adds value and adds a connection to the photos!

Mar 14, 2014  ( 1 comment )  
karen alviso (karen)

What an amazing photo blog and stories you did of your precious little guy who is the light of your life!!   So happy for your little family, love the Saturday morning tradition you have started!

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