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Family Vacation in Carmel
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Creation date: Jul 10, 2015 7:00am     Last modified date: Jul 11, 2015 2:45pm   Last visit date: Sep 22, 2024 1:26am
7 / 1000 comments
Jul 12, 2015  ( 1 comment )  
Jul 13, 2015  ( 1 comment )  
Jul 25, 2015  ( 1 comment )  
Jul 30, 2015  ( 2 comments )  
Jennifer Tibbittts (jemma)

super fun and super pictures! So great!!! I yearn for the day when we will put our phones away for a weekend! Gael is adorable!

Richard Carr (richard)

What a great time.  Glad Isla didn't come then :)   Great memories!

Aug 19, 2015  ( 2 comments )  
Julie Carr (beekielou)

Great times together to remember!



Elizabeth Dierks (lizzy)

Its such a great place for kids.  Went went in April, with wonderful weather.  Saturday a day at Gilroy Gardens.  Sunday to Monteray Aquarium.  You have to see Gilroy Gardens.  Its a young amusement park for toddlers and preschools.  Take a look on my Keep and Share albums.  We will go back next year to Gilroy Gardens.  Its super cool!


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