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Isla's Photo Shoot
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Creation date: Aug 17, 2015 7:00am     Last modified date: Aug 17, 2015 6:16pm   Last visit date: Sep 18, 2024 2:41pm
6 / 1000 comments
Aug 19, 2015  ( 2 comments )  
Aug 20, 2015  ( 3 comments )  
Richard Carr (richard)

Love all of the photos!  She is so cute!  So happy you two have two kids!  

Kathy Carr (kathy)

You all look just beautiful and Gael was so patient and gentle with Isla!! Christina did great with the camera up on the ladder as well! So precious!!!

Marie Carr (nanarie)

Love the photo shoot pictures! these are the first pictures we've seen since her birth day and I was thrilled to find them

when we got home from Pittsburgh tonight.

For the record Grandma Anne said that Papa Tom had very crossed eyes to start with and they straightened out all by themselves. And I've seen those "stork bite" marks on someone else but I can't remember who. I think maybe my mother said I had something like that somewhere on my face.

Aug 23, 2015  ( 1 comment )  
Rebecca Sargent (rebecca)

ahhh adorable! You girls did great with the photos! Crazy how much Gael looks just like Oscar! Cant wait to meet the princess!


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