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December 2015
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Creation date: Jan 5, 2016 8:00am     Last modified date: Jan 13, 2016 10:10pm   Last visit date: Sep 18, 2024 10:15pm
8 / 1000 comments
Jan 14, 2016  ( 3 comments )  
Jan 15, 2016  ( 1 comment )  
Jan 16, 2016  ( 3 comments )  
Kathy Carr (kathy)

Wow, I can't believe everything you did, in spite of being so tired!  Where was that house all lit up with the nativity?  Those photos from the Live Nativity were so precious!! So glad the Green Dune Buggy turned out so good, and 3 of the cousins can pile in at once or take turns. That looks like a fun Christmas party for all the little ones!  Thanks for posting all the memories!!! 

Kathy Carr (kathy)

That card Oscar got is so cool, and you are doing so amazing staying off dairy....oh, the things we do/did for our babies!!!

karen alviso (karen)

What great photos of your very busy month of December. Such a good job with the fun captions of all your fun memories.  Love them all. Especially love the leaf pile with Gael( he is such a good helper). So  glad those little navy blue shoes fit Miss Isla.  She looks so adorable with those sweet dimples :))

Jan 18, 2016  ( 1 comment )  
Richard Carr (richard)

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