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01 - Queretaro -- July 7, 2005

fiesta in San Diego with teachers from Mexico that we will be working with.
This girl was a Christian!!  She was so sweet.
Plaza de Armas!  This is our meeting spot, whenever we go out to El Centro.
The girl on my right is my roomate, Alicia.
 My first teaching experience in espanol.  And boy do I have a hilarious story about it.  This is Luis Manuel, five years old.
 We sang "Head, SHoulders, Knees and Toes"
He was my personal favorite. 
Teaching, we each had to do a lesson. 
 Sebastian and I

Creation date: Jul 7, 2005 11:08am     Last modified date: Jul 7, 2005 2:24pm   Last visit date: Sep 25, 2024 6:22pm
12 / 1000 comments
Jul 7, 2005  ( 2 comments )  
Jul 8, 2005  ( 1 comment )  
Jul 12, 2005  ( 1 comment )  
Jul 25, 2005  ( 1 comment )  
Aug 8, 2005  ( 1 comment )  
Sep 14, 2005  ( 1 comment )  
Sep 24, 2005  ( 1 comment )  
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