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Senior Boat November 2005

Senior Boat November 2005
Magic, myself and Emily 
Josh and Jane 
Myself, Emily and Cassie 
When not dancing we found ways to amuse ourselves 
Idle minds and a camera are a bad combonation 

Josh and Chloe

 Jason and Leah
 Emily in her glory
 Our Group


Creation date: Nov 20, 2005 2:46pm     Last modified date: Jun 11, 2006 8:34pm   Last visit date: Aug 30, 2024 8:11am
4 / 1000 comments
Nov 20, 2005  ( 2 comments )  
Robert Carr (robert)
Gosh, Ian, it looks like you had lots of fun.  I'd swear that SF city lights background looks like a painted photo studio backdrop, but i know it's real!
Andrea LoPinto (lopinto)
Ian, it's great that the evening worked out so well.  You and your friends look so old!
Nov 21, 2005  ( 2 comments )  
Christina Roper (croper)
We did a similar boat cruise in the Bay for my Jr. Prom (when I was class president).  :)  Great views at night!
Richard Carr (richard)
Some of your descriptions caused me to laugh (always good for the soul), especially the "When not dancing we found ways to amuse ourselves".  Keep on having fun!
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