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3 - Shanghai Part 3
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Creation date: Feb 19, 2011 4:00pm     Last modified date: Sep 5, 2011 10:49pm   Last visit date: Aug 30, 2024 12:51am
3 / 20 comments
Mar 16, 2011  ( 1 comment )  
Becky Garrett (becky)
Can you still do this David?
Mar 17, 2011  ( 2 comments )  
Christina Roper (croper)
Love all the pictures!  That is hilarious that Lilah jumped from ping pong to asking for a scooter.  Loved all the 'wrasslin' pictures.  Memphis and Morgan will both gang up on their Daddy the same way.  Not sure about those water hamster wheels.  Not sure that looks like fun to me, but funny to watch!
kenlake (kenlake)
Dave and Stacy:

Don't worry I barbeque all winter long too ... looks like a good job.  How did it taste?

These pictures make it look like your making the best of this trip.  I am not sure they would have had the opportunity to see so many different fun and educational places back home   ... they really grow fast between the photo album sets.  You take great photos, probably thanks to the subject matter.

I love and miss all of you.... keep the pictures coming.  
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