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better late than never! more of the parade pics from Diablerets day
where else woud you find a cowbell marching band??
 they know how to put on a parade!!
 the makings of lil mountain men!!
 little godesses!!
 my beautiful cousin!
 who's walkin who??
 oh the builders...
ooh pretty!!
and then the rain came!!
 this is my current desktop.
 oooh the train is coming!! haha.
 disappearing into the mist heading up the glacier
 alpine coaster!!
 my mommy.
 my daddy!
 lac rutard.  i think...
 oh look it's my pretty cousin again!!
 oh and here she is again looking better than ever. mwahahaha!!!
 yes, this house is 800 years old.  800 YEARS OLD!!! actually even more now!!
 lake geneva
 best waterfall for jumping/swimming in!! so cold it takes your breath away!!
 alpenhorns!! one of dad's 60th bday gifts/surprises.
more to come!

Creation date: Sep 5, 2008 12:43am     Last modified date: Sep 5, 2008 12:53am   Last visit date: Sep 10, 2024 9:56am
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