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Trip MI part 2

Trip MI part 2
Recap: midway through the trip, Will and I went to the northern part of the state, priamarioy to visit Big Ben. Big Ben was Will's roomate up in Alaska and is responsible for taking me on my first hunting and fishing trips when i was up there.
Ben is in the process of building his own house. He chopped down the trees, milled his own lumber, has almost done everything by himself. Ben is also the biggest red neck i know. Notice the 'shooting tower'.
 Big Ben and I.Theres a funny story behind this. ask me about it.  Ben and his dad own the majority of this lake. Will, Ben and I went fishing  and i caught the first fish. Its a pike.
The lake.
We also spent a couple of hours cleaning / re-organizing Will's storage unit. It was fun. umm yeah. At one point we found his old sniper's veil. thats me wearing it along with an old uniform. how i fitin his ld uniform u ask? though the magic of suspenders. That snipers veil was really heavy so i couldn't really move without falling over.
This is a wacked out pictureof us all at a pub . from Left to right : jenny ( Aaron's girlfriend, Aaron ( an old co-worker of Wills), Will, me, Kevin ( Will's cousin ) , Kevin's date, James ( a friend from college ) and his wife.
heres a close up of me in the snipers veil.
The end!

Creation date: Jul 25, 2005 3:11am     Last modified date: Sep 3, 2007 2:46pm   Last visit date: Sep 15, 2024 2:32pm
5 / 20 comments
Aug 12, 2005  ( 1 comment )  
Aug 31, 2005  ( 1 comment )  
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