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2005-07-29 Ireland Trip Page 12 - Firth of Forth, Scotland

2005-07-29 Ireland Trip Page 12 - Firth of Forth, Scotland
This is Dalmeny house where Richard's great-grandmother
Annie Fitzpatrick worked as a maid.  Dalmeny owns much of the surrounding land in Queensferry, it seems.
This is the famous Firth of Forth Bridge, which Thomas Carr, Richard's great-grandfather worked on after emigrating to Scotland when he was 16 from Ireland. Thomas almost fell to his death while working on this bridge, but was rescued in mid fall.  Read his story below in the "penpaint" comment! It is still used for trains in Scotland.
This is Lesley Cronin (Papa Tom's distant cousin) and her mother, Annie.  Lesley and Papa Tom share the same great-grandfather, James Fitzpatrick, who married another Annie on June 4 in South Queensferry. This Annie's husband was the Secretary of State in Scotland years ago.
This is a really good Alfred Hitcock movie
this photo is from the construction days of the Firth of Forth and hangs inside the restaurant
The restaurant where we could look out at the Firth of Forth
The Church of Scotland, where Annie attends.
Lesley's home; most of their relatives live right here in South Queensferry
The two bridges, the other one is used for cars
This little Scots boy just got out of a wedding and is posing for Kallene's camera
These houses stand where the church once was that Rich's great-grandparents were married in!  Thomas Carr was born in a small thatched cottage in Ballylar, on the Fanad Peninsula in County Donegal, Ireland, on Oct. 25, 1866.  Thomas married Annie Fitzpatrick on June 4, 1889. Shortly after, they emigrated to the U.S.A. entering through Ellis Island, and continued by train to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Lattes for afternoon tea
Back in Dublin, our last dinner together before our flight home.  Thank you so much, sis, for everything you did to make this trip happen for us!!
I hope you enjoyed this pictorial tour of some of Scotland's rich spiritual heritage and legacy.  Please leave me a comment (by clicking on the "Add Comment" button below) if you liked it or have questions.  It was very meaningful to me to explore the heritage of my Scots-Irish ancestry.  May the Lord bless you and keep you! --Kathy

Creation date: Aug 19, 2005 8:44am     Last modified date: Oct 2, 2005 11:02am   Last visit date: Sep 20, 2024 8:50am
10 / 1000 comments
Aug 24, 2005  ( 1 comment )  
Aug 25, 2005  ( 2 comments )  
Sep 3, 2005  ( 1 comment )  
Sep 30, 2005  ( 1 comment )  
Oct 16, 2005  ( 1 comment )  
Oct 18, 2005  ( 1 comment )  
Jan 11, 2006  ( 2 comments )  

Hi Kathy!  Great to hear from you!  Thanks for visiting my site.  I just added names to the family photos--great suggestion.  As for your question, it's Silas, not Seth in my wedding photos.  Seth lives in CA now--LA area--he and his wife have a baby on the way in March.  That's about all we know.  He's hanging tight with our dad these days... with all that this implies.  Sarandy and I are the best of friends now (funny how things change over time) and we just love my mom so much--she's lots of fun.  I live close and see them both often.  Silas pops in here and there.  He's often on wild adventures--backpacking all over the place.   Yes, I'm a teacher.  This is my 4th year teaching 8th grade math/algebra  (along with coaching 60 cheerleaders--oh my!) in Plano, a great district just north of Dallas.  Next year, however, I'll be going back to school full time to get a graduate degree in psychology.  I have some awesome career prospects in that field.  Anyway, it's been such a treat to see pics of your family.  Takes me back!  You mentioned the kids choir... I have so many fond memories of you as our choir director and as our Sunday school teacher.  You taught us so much scripture and really made it all fun.  That's cool... a great legacy.  All for now... didn't mean to write so much!  Take care! 

Oops--I meant to comment on your Scotland photos and completely forgot.  They're so cool!  What an awesome trip!  I think that's really cool that you got to explore so much of your heritage.  :)
Apr 8, 2024  ( 1 comment )  
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