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H.S. Passover Feast 06

H.S. Passover Feast 06
On Thursday April 13, we had an authentic passover feast with the high school youth group.
Mary carefully decorated the youth room with candles and other items of reflection and worship.
Our Fearless Leader
Hey!  6 Inches!  Dang it!
Brian washed some of the kids' feet, as Jesus did for his disciples.
The kids actually all seemed to enjoy it and had a great time of worship.

Creation date: Apr 15, 2006 7:59pm     Last modified date: Apr 15, 2006 8:08pm   Last visit date: Sep 22, 2024 1:39am
5 / 1000 comments
Apr 15, 2006  ( 2 comments )  
Apr 16, 2006  ( 1 comment )  
Feb 12, 2007  ( 1 comment )  
Darla Sisson-Long (childrenofthehour)
This is my first time seeing these photos. So great to do these things! Thank You!
Oct 28, 2021  ( 1 comment )  
anonymous user (anonymous)


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