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Family Photo Shoot
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Creation date: May 21, 2014 7:00am     Last modified date: May 21, 2014 10:59pm   Last visit date: Sep 22, 2024 1:40am
8 / 1000 comments
May 22, 2014  ( 5 comments )  
May 23, 2014  ( 1 comment )  
May 24, 2014  ( 1 comment )  
Rebecca Sargent (rebecca)

your hair just looks too too good... it's taking attention away from Gael!!


May 25, 2014  ( 1 comment )  
karen alviso (karen)

OM Goodnesssssss... beautiful photos!  Nice of the Student to do this for your family.  Love them all.  I love all your smiles in 3 (even with the missing shoe,  lol  ) so good of everyone and 8 as well!!

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