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Gael is 19 months old!
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Creation date: May 7, 2015 7:00am     Last modified date: May 7, 2015 11:08pm   Last visit date: Sep 22, 2024 6:25am
7 / 1000 comments
May 8, 2015  ( 3 comments )  
May 9, 2015  ( 1 comment )  
May 10, 2015  ( 2 comments )  
Kathy Carr (kathy)

Yes, Gael is learning a lot of words quickly now and loves to help with chores! He has started watering the garden at our house. He talks about Papa whenever he hears a lawnmower in the neighborhood and balls of all kinds are a big hit with Gael!! He will kick the ball for such a long time without stopping!

Richard Carr (richard)

Especially love your great commentary!

May 12, 2015  ( 1 comment )  
Julie Carr (beekielou)

He is sure growing up!  What a helper he is!  He is adorable.  He is very sociable and likes playing with his little friend.  There are enough fruits that cover the vitamins that  are found in vegetables.  Have you tried the V-8 fruit veggie drinks?  He may like them, or not.  Smoothies are a great way!



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