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10 - I love the Beach!!

I love the Beach!!
Our hostel, this is where some people slept at night for really cheap.  I stayed here while I was sick, sick, sick. 
Yae!  A  seafood restaraunt!
The view from our dinner table. 
No - it is only lemondade 
 Morning devos on the playa!!
Breakfast anyone, raw oysters!? 
We opted for french toast and fresh fruit!  Yum! 
Gotta love the ninos! 
Kayaking at a wild life lagoon with lots of birds 
A little selva for ya 
Isn't our God amazing, the unique plants He created! 
I saw some people playing futbol, so I asked if I could join!  I loved it! 
Of course, you gotta get the braids, only $5! 
A little night fishing 
Our room in the hostel 
Anica with her medicine for her bacteria and fever 
 Waiting in the clinic for five hours for our next bus, after lots of throwing up, from drinking bad water.  It was miserable.

Creation date: Aug 4, 2005 4:20am     Last modified date: Aug 4, 2005 6:52am   Last visit date: Sep 4, 2024 7:35pm
5 / 1000 comments
Aug 4, 2005  ( 2 comments )  
Oct 10, 2005  ( 1 comment )  
Sep 13, 2007  ( 1 comment )  
Elizabeth Dierks (lizzy)
How awful to have been sick.  That's never any fun.  Well, I know now your alright.  Thats long past and your a new bride.
Sep 14, 2007  ( 1 comment )  
Marie Carr (nanarie)
How come I never sawe this before?
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