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Wedding Pictures Part 2



Wedding Pictures Part 2

Me, Katharine and Jennifer a bridesmaid and ringbearer!

William's mother, Musette and his step-mother, Jill

Tom and William

William and his best man
William with his dear friends - his groomsmen.
A happy Groom!
Jill and William
Jill, William and Musette 

Mother and son!

Poppa Tom, Nanny Marie, Tom and  me

Tim , my sister Debbie and Nanny Peggy have arrived JITto join us for pictures. Nanny Peggy was discharged the morning of the wedding from Sunnyside Medical transitional Unit, and she was able to see Katharine and Will get married, thanks to the prayers of many!

The WAyfarer's Chapel - The place of this historic event!

Tom took pictures also before and after the wedding as well -  when he wasn't being father of the bride!!!

Jerry, Katharine and her Matron of Honor, Cassie
Katharine and  Nanny Marie

tom and I, Katharine and Nanny Marie and Poppa Tom

Jennifer, Katharine, me and Tom - Torrance Carrs
Alicia and Katharine

Go to Wedding Ceremony - pg. 3

Creation date: Feb 21, 2008 4:21pm     Last modified date: Oct 28, 2021 6:11pm   Last visit date: Sep 23, 2024 12:29am
9 / 1000 comments
Feb 21, 2008  ( 1 comment )  
Feb 22, 2008  ( 2 comments )  
Sep 29, 2021  ( 1 comment )  
Oct 28, 2021  ( 1 comment )  
Jan 16, 2023  ( 1 comment )  
Feb 22, 2023  ( 1 comment )  
Feb 23, 2023  ( 1 comment )  
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Mar 13, 2023  ( 1 comment )  
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