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Tom's Pre-wedding and Reception Pictures 1


Tom's Pre-wedding and Reception Pictures 1


View from the Wedding Preparation Marriott hotel room
Cassie, ready to get ready!

Cassie and Katharine

Fixing their hair -

Chris Green - William's sister

Jessica works her magic on Chris's hair


While Jessica works on the bridesmaids' hair, Katharine has her own hairdresser come to do the honors.


Jennifer is next in line for a new "DO" 

What has gotten Jennifer in a tither???

Jennifer is ready!!!!!


 Jerry and Musette, Will's mother.

Ready for her dress!!! 
 Happy Mother of the Bride


Robert Arnold - Main Photographer

Let's celebrate early!

Mother and daughter
Meanwhile, the guys also get ready!
Michael and William have a laugh together.
Best Man Bob
Bob and wife
The Limo arrives at the Glass Chapel
Debbie, my sister
Katharine, Nanny Peggy and Uncle Tim
Katharine's reaction to seeing Nanny Peggy arrive JIT from Sunnyside Transitional Hospital.
Daryl - Groomsman
Steve, Chris's fiancee and Will.
Debbie and ME - the notorious Miesse sister team!!!
Muesette is ready with her own camera!
Will's step-mother, Jill
Will's two moms, who both love him!
Tim and Debbie, me and Nanny Peggy. I'm sure Dad was watching from the floor of heaven!
Waiting in the Bridal rooms at the Glass Chapel.
Signing the marriage certificate
On their way to the chapel, meeting people as they go.
Katharine with her boss, Alicia!
The groom of the hour!  Such a son-in-law!!
Cassie's parents.
Our Pastor Terry Bushart, his dear wife Tina and me.
Aaron and Christina
Milton and Laura Lynn Porter and William
Arrival of the Bride and Grrom
Explaining the concept of this reception - Agathering of family at Thanksgiving without the turkey. We were heartily encouraged to mingle.
Next door neighbors, Robin and John Kurth and Jennifer.
Billy and Emma King  talk to Monty.
church friends - Vicki Stone and Pasotr Diane Rehfield.
Robert and Monty.
Bob and wife
Pastor Diane and Mark Rehfield - old friends.
Old youth group church friends: Lindsay Berghouse, Lisa and Julie Rehfield and Jennifer.

Creation date: Mar 5, 2008 6:02pm     Last modified date: Jan 31, 2023 11:17am   Last visit date: Sep 9, 2024 3:04am
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