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Saturday Sisters: Donna Howland's Baby Shower ( pics of the child)

Saturday Sisters: Donna Howland's Shower

Our UMW Vice-President Donna Howland, a member of the Saturday Sister's Circle is really pregnant, expecting their little angel around May 25th!

Donnie Wilcox, also a Saturday Sister and board member, who loves to entertain, hosted a baby shower for her. Donnie's daughter and granddaughter helped her as well. We played 3 games. By looking at Donna's belly, we had to guess how long of a piece of ribbon to cut, which should go all the way around her middle.  The closest ribbon won a prize!Secondly, we were given a list of riddles which each described a body part of a baby. Thirdly, we had to watch and remember all the stuff Donna should take to the hospital  in a suitcase.  The one who could remember the most won a prize.


Women sitting on the right side of the living room.
After playing these fun games, Donna started opening gifts, with Donnie's great grandson supervising, as his grandma took some pictures, and his mom wrote down who gave what to Donna.
Donna needed a lot of stuff, and she sure got a lot of nice presents.

We played pass the baby as well. This young man, who is sitting on Maxine's lap, was quite affable.
Donna received 3 or 4 crocheted / knitted blankets, and a lovely quilt.  Tina Bushart, the pastor's wife is holding sweet baby now!

One can never have too many sleepers!!!
Women sitting in the back of the living room.  One can see a closer shot of the blue crocheted baby blanket- far right corner.


Group shot, looking toward the back of the living room.
Donnie had whipped up some Georgia receipes: Chicken vegetable sauce to be put in the round pastries in the middle.  She also made schones a wonderful salad and fruit platter.

Frontal view of the food

Plates and decorations revolved around the baby duck theme.

Baby Ducks were everywhere!  After eating a tasty lunch, on to the cake and goodies!!


Desert was delicious!! 

Violet Arrived Safely

Donna gave birth to a beautiful little girl, Violet, in May of '06.
She became our youngest member of Saturday Sisters. Here Violet is, helping Mom host the Jully Meeting in 2007.

On Security Patrol, or is it the fashion police? Checking out the ladies' purses.

Dec. of 2008

Violet is with her Mom at the UMW Christmas Tea, checking out the pretty frosting on the cookie.

Violet wanted to stand with the big kids, while they sang for the women and a few men as well.

Creation date: May 16, 2006 7:49pm     Last modified date: Aug 27, 2009 10:18am   Last visit date: Jan 1, 2025 9:59am
2 / 1000 comments
May 21, 2006  ( 1 comment )  
Tom Carr (penpaint)
This is a beautiful work of art! Congratulations to the creator!
May 3, 2009  ( 1 comment )  
Marie Carr (nanarie)
That was all very ducky! Ha! Ha! Be sure to let us know when the baby arrives and what the name is.
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