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Events since excommunication that bear on topic

Events that show the importance of the 4 Vectors




May 17 Excommunicated from RCC


Hell Week

May 31 - Sun. Scott Roeder kills late-term abortionist George Tiller in Lutheran Church Foyer as he was handing out bulletins as his wife sang in the choir. Eventually convicted for murder and given maximum Kansas penalty: 50 years


June 1 - Mon. First annual LGBT Pride Month proclamation by putative president Obama, Increasingly egregious proclamations of like perversion came out every year

June 1 - Mon. Black Muslim convert shoots two soldiers outside recruiting office, killing one


June 3 - Wed 2 Japanese Businessmen attempt to smuggle $134.5 billion in US bearer bonds over the border between Italy and Switzerland. Supposition is that they were trying to shuck this debt before the USD loses value. Italian law demands 40% tax of any money/securities caught undeclared, or immediate destruction if deemed counterfeit. Minimal coverage by the media late in the month says US Treasury and Secret Service sees pictures on web and think they are counterfeit. They do not recognize their own money. Criminals are released with their bonds. Nothing more is reported. Main reporting blogger who gave the most details jailed shortly thereafter.


June 3 - 4 Liberty Dollar employees finally arrested. They were trying to re-establish honest money in the form of precious metal coin, redeemable certificates, and internet transfers. All computers, records, orders, customer's money, and precious metal inventories confiscated. 2 women released on bail, Bernard Von NotHaus released and later tried and convicted March 2011 for counterfeiting and trying to deceive people that his coins were money. They called him an "unique domestic terrorist". The only true accusation should have been his praise, that he was trying to displace the Fed and its false money. As of Dec '13 still awaiting sentencing. Some amazing claims by the Court. As of Dec '14 instead of the 15-22 years in jail they were trying to nail him with, he ended up with 6 mo house arrest & 3 yrs probation. Dec '15 he was released. Can you say, "harassment"?


Attempts to undermine the legitimate currency of this country are simply a unique form of domestic terrorism. While these forms of anti-government activities do not involve violence, they are every bit as insidious and represent a clear and present danger to the economic stability of this country. We are determined to meet these threats through infiltration, disruption, and dismantling of organizations which seek to challenge the legitimacy of our democratic form of government.


At the end of the day (june 3) events show that our best law enforcement think their own money is counterfeit (It was only a measly $134,000,000,000) but don't bother to even go look at it, nor bother to check out the intricate artwork for a match. Yet they accuse .999 fine coins with roughly similar images on them as trying to deceive the poor gullible public as being "real" money. Perfect poetic justice of the kind one cannot even make up.


June 5 - Fri A couple miles north of my workplace, an emotionally unstable mother lures another 8-month-pregnant, Christian mom with a Craigslist ad for baby clothes, caves in her head with a blunt instrument, cut her pre-born baby out with a butcher knife, stuffed the Mom's body in the floorboards and rushed the premie to the emergency room in a vain attempt to save it's life. "when mothers - monsters prove"!


June 6 - Sat. Coming home from work listening on the radio to Tiller's wife singing "The Lord's Prayer" at his graveside service, dedicated to the "love of my life".


It is what we call a Chiasm, a week with an eerie symmetry. A mass murderer in the whitehouse, all upset at a man who is willing to lay down his life so that another murderer with the blessing of Church and State may no longer keep murdering the totally helpless and innocent little ones created in the image of God. A Mass Murderer calling for the blessing of State, Church, and society upon the worst perversions in human history, guaranteed to bring the destruction of the whole nation.


While the Church sleeps.

add Extortion 17, false Ben Laden, murder of servicemen in general, and Benghazi, libya

From Rhodes


To this impeachable high crime can be added the long list of other abuses and violations of his oath, from “Fast and Furious” where the Obama Administration intentionally armed the cartels in Mexico; to his assault on nearly every provision in the Bill of Rights, including the First, Second, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Amendments (from “First Amendment Areas” at Bundy Ranch, to considering a military strike on the supporters of the Bundy family, to his targeted assassinations of U.S. citizens abroad and his claim that he can do the same here at home NDAA 2012, to his ongoing assault on the right to bear arms, etc.); to Benghazi, where Obama sat back and watched as Americans were slaughtered after being deliberately denied assistance, to cover up for Obama’s gun running to our enemies; to his deliberate criminal endangerment of the lives of our people by refusing to stop travel to the US by persons from Ebola infected nations (and refusal to even mandate a 21 day quarantine before they can enter) – essentially playing “Russian roulette” with each flight carrying someone from an infected nation; to his unconstitutional deployment of active duty and reserves to go to Africa to “fight” Ebola – where was there even Congressional authorization of any sort for him to do that, let alone a “declaration of war” on Ebola?


Dec 15 2014

List of severe thefts/destructions


McGuire says phys/paper markets unpatchably separated.


Jan 4 2015



 Jan 9

I have a question for you... Do you think the economy can really be "back to normal" in our country when:

  • Roughly 75% of Americans are still living paycheck to paycheck, with essentially zero savings.
  • Or when the number of people on food stamps has doubled since Barack Obama took office... and HALF of all children born today will be on food stamps at some point in their life?
  • Do you think everything can really be back to normal when, according to the most recent numbers from the Census Bureau, an incredible 49% of Americans are receiving benefits from at least one government program EVERY SINGLE month?

If you are skeptical about our politicians' claims that the U.S. economy has been "fixed," and everything is "back to normal," you are not alone. -Mike Palmer

From Miles Franklin newsletter

We watched the Republicans in the House finally pass one part of ACA (Obamacare) on Palm Sunday, on the President's promise of an executive order that he would make sure no Federal money went to fund abortions. (the 300-500 million subsidizing Planned Parenthood goes to women's health care, no doubt, nothing to do with their feticide operations). Now everyone in the country must pay for feticide through their premiums instead of the government paying for it. In bankrupt budget deliberations, President and congress absolutely refused to back off $1 of PP's subsidy. This was after the videos went national about PP arranging abortion procedures so that they could maximize sales of dead baby organs, and violating all manner of Federal laws that government refused to enforce.


Gold and silver markets have gone imaginary. At the beginning, there was about 1 oz in 5 of silver that was held in contracts. Later, they were saying the ratio was more like 1 in 200.  It is true that US Dollars are not printed to add to worldwide quantities, but gold and silver certificates are printed and counted as adding to the world Precious Metal stocks. In this they have kept the dollar-denominated prices of the precious metals steady all these years in spite of huge demand and constricting supply. We will never know how many threats were issued to people who could have and might have desired to trade into large quantities of metal.  I learned about Charles Savoy's "Silver Stealers" & "Silver Squelchers" resources.

More data came out every year highlighting that our national leader was not a man of truth. He was accused of having someone else's Social Security number, There was no valid proof of his birth certificate, but there was evidence he could not have been a naturalized American Citizen, that his mother was too young to validate that even if the father had been US citizen, which we are not even sure about. No one could vouch for him being at the colleges he said he had been to. It was common knowledge that his mentors, like his mother, were serious Communists.

Libya was bombed into instability, Gaddafi was murdered and his national gold confiscated, and the country was flooded with the same kind of operatives we are supposedly fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. Now we are working with the terrorists of our own making to annihilate another sovereign, formerly-Christian country: Syria.

The US spend 5 billion on regime change in Ukraine, there was evidence that their own operatives shot down the Malaysian airliner, instead of the much-blamed Russia.

Europe continues to fail, economically. Inflation which we have exported, has ravaged other nations. The people we were supposed to protect and liberate and rebuild in Iraq have been further ravaged by terrorists many think we fund, train, and equip. The war in Afghanistan -- not even really a country -- has gone on longer than any in American History, and to what end?

We have been, and are being pushed to take on the chains of digital-only currency, as has India already. It has long been a felony to work outside the dollar or trade without a licensed, mandatory reporter (to the IRS) monitoring and participating in all transactions.

Previously, the worst annual deficit was 400 billion under Bush. Every Obama year seemed to increase the national debt by a trillion or more. After 15 trillion I have kept track and the overall rise has averaged about 2.5 billion per day. Bush doubled. Obama Doubled. Trump has given signals he wants to decrease taxes and increase spending. We shall see. 

What we have seen is that when the incomes and expenses are counted up, there has never been a year since 1957 when there was a surplus (counting the payroll taxes properly) to where the Treasury has been able to make payments to lower the cumulative debt. The treasury does pay its debts, but only by borrowing more to do so. If you did what the government does, no one would loan you money and you would go to jail. If you did what the Federal Reserve does, no one would use the money you issue and you would go to jail. I supposed controlling the police, military, education, Congress, Judiciary, media, communication, and transportation does give you an unfair advantage. 

In spite of the billions stolen by deceit, hardly any bankers have been executed, jailed, or personally fined. Stockholders seem to get stuck with paying the tab.

It is a popular theme that we are in an economic Recovery, even though statistics keep insisting it is a 'negative recovery'. Taxes increase. Regulation increases. There is a new tax administered by employers now upon employees to fund public transportation in Oregon. Road taxes are going up.

Somewhere around 2011, Bloomberg sued the Fed to force them to disclose how they had loaned-into existence 16 trillion for American branches of foreign banks (mostly). I'm not sure they ever found out who got the money and if it all got paid back, nor what it accomplished. The folks that study it keep saying the factors which caused the losses from 2008 have only gotten worse but have been covered over by even more deceitful and fraudulent practices.  I remember talking to several folks that had seen tens of thousands evaporate from their retirement investments. Pensions are notoriously unfunded. Now cities and States are starting to show obvious bankruptcy signs and there are no hopeful expectations that they will ever be able to recover. Increasing amounts of money will have to be robbed from taxpayers, the creditors will have to be robbed through defaults, or account holders worldwide will be robbed by the inflation the banks throw at this debt to give the illusion that it is being paid off by increased  borrowing.

Major corporations are throwing profits at legislatures so that capital sex criminals can be given special privileges. Increasing penalties are threatened at the businessman for refusing to serve these criminals in defiance of their ownership rights in their business. Increasing penalties are threatened against pastor/teachers and even private persons who dare point to the Bible's definitions of crime and punishment in this area.

Fewer people are working. More jobs are part-time. Wages are going down. Unemployment figures only show those getting paid not to work, not the quantity of people who aren't getting paid to not work. Food stamp participants rapidly increased under Obama. There was a huge increase in those taking disability out of the SSA. More people have gone to hide in school and tuition subsidies and loans have increased. Car loans have increased. 

Japan is being forced (apparently) to issue increasing amounts of yen-quantities to loan to its government to keep up appearances. China has been inflating more than the US and Japan combined. Growth has slowed in China, and reports doubt whether their 'growth' statistics have any basis in reality.


2017 Subprime loans doubled.

03/16/2018 20 trillion to 21 trillion nat debt

And from:

  • On Sept. 8, 2008, the U.S. Treasury seized control of mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and pledged a $200 billion cash injection to help the companies cope with mortgage default losses.
  • About a week later the government bailed out American International Group Inc., or AIG, with $85 billion.
  • The Fed refused to save Lehman Brothers and the company was forced to file for bankruptcy. Some of the largest financial institutions were on the verge of collapse as the mortgage market melted down. As the crisis hit the global market, the credit freeze spread.
  • The Treasury and the Federal Reserve began working on a $700 billion bailout plan.
  • President George W. Bush signed the bailout plan into law Oct. 3. 
  • Weeks later, on Oct. 29, the Fed cut the key interest rate to 1%.

Creation date: Jun 13, 2014 6:36pm     Last modified date: Mar 9, 2022 5:26am   Last visit date: Mar 4, 2025 2:13am