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04 Boomer

Update received July 2012: We've had Arrow for a little over 2 years now, and he's almost 4 years old (we think). It was a bit surprising when our adult "60 lb" dog bloomed out to 80lbs, but we like big cuddly dogs. He did chunk a bit last winter, but a small reduction in the kibble plus lots of walks have given him a fine figure. You can even see ribs now. He still likes to bark for his own amusement, but serious work over the past year has made him one of the quieter dogs in our neighborhood. He does a nice noisy guard dog show at the door and then loves everyone who makes it past the first 30 seconds. He falls asleep on our blissful dogless friends. As you can see, he's generally a very happy dog. Thanks to you and Rosie's for finding him and bringing him into our lives.

Update received June 2010: It's been a little over a month since Arrow came to live with us. Hearing about his past, we were completely prepared for a dog with "issues" but he is shockingly well balanced. After one night of waiting for his foster family to come back and get him he adopted us as his new family. He especially loves Willow, our lab/husky.  He marked in the house exactly once, the first evening, and has been a perfect gentleman ever since. He doesn't seem to have any trouble staying home with Willow while we're at work. He doesn't have a mean bone in his body and isn't destructive at all. When you tell him "no" he melts, but bounces right back with a "good boy". He has a few odd fears and he loves to hear himself bark, but we're working on those. He enjoys bed privileges, but likes to sprawl on an old quilt next to the bed as well. He's a leaner, which I love. As a bonus, he's turned Willow into a very good dog almost instantly. She's finally getting enough exercise with all the play, so she no longer gets us up at 2AM to go hunt in the yard.  I think Arrow will be happy here. Plenty of food, a dog to play with, a big yard, walks, weekly daycare and plenty of cuddles. Thanks to his foster parents for giving him such a good start at being a house dog rather than a dump dog.  Of course I'm including pictures. Willow is the black dog.

Creation date: Jun 19, 2011 7:06pm     Last modified date: Jul 25, 2012 11:28am   Last visit date: Jan 18, 2025 10:17pm
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