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Everything You Should Be Aware Of About Dive Trips On Liveaboards

diving cruise Indonesia


In the past few years the industry of scuba diving has seen rapid growth. In fact, divers are increasing in number every day, exploring every bit of the globe. The liveaboard industry is following this trend. A liveaboard vessel simply means an item that is utilized to live comfortably throughout the day. However, liveaboard dive boats are equipped to allow the ship to not only reside but also function as a floating dive centre.


A liveaboard or, more simply it is a floating hotel which also has a dive center. It drops you exactly where you want to be!


Why should you live aboard?

First, the main advantage of taking a scuba diving cruise is that you will take in a lot of sights, within a short lap of time. In fact, the boat travels to the next best diving spot, while you unwind eating, drinking, and sleep. This eliminates the time and expense of numerous excursions back to shore and back again! A large archipelago such as the Maldives is a good example to illustrate the main advantage of the diving cruise Indonesia. Many atolls will be available to explore, including some of the most remote and unexplored.


Additionally, a cruising gives you also the opportunity to reach some of the most beautiful diving spots around the globe and are far away from the continents. Some destinations are only accessible via liveaboards, not day boats, because they are far away from continent. For instance, it takes about 32 hours to travel to Costa Rica's Cocos Island! It is also possible to liveaboard different locations, such as the Australian Rowley Shoals.



Also, cruising Indonesia can be a great way to gain experience, and perhaps even a step towards an additional certification level. You can do specialization training in diving when you're on cruise. It's all dependent on your location!


Are you able to liveaboard dive with your friends?


Everyone can enjoy cruising Indonesia the safari experience all over the globe. Certain locations may have specific prerequisites. Some liveaboards require that divers have a minimum number of dives to ensure they're experienced. Sometimes, a certification might be required. Investigate this website for fruitful information now.


It is also necessary to have a certain number of dives or to be an advanced diver on the majority of Galapagos Islands liveaboards. Furthermore, even places that are suitable for everyone like the Andaman Sea or the Red Sea can have deeper or more challenging dive spots. Thus, we can only suggest that you confirm on the liveaboard cruise which the requirements are.


Creation date: Jul 5, 2021 10:36pm     Last modified date: Jul 5, 2021 10:36pm   Last visit date: Mar 11, 2025 3:09am
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